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October 24

1988 - Monday - 50° at 4:15 - light rain. Slept in - didn't go to Mass. Took in tables from deck.
Wrote Joan Holmden and Jean-Marie Wood, who now has bone cancer. To Bank - Marcus and Waldbaum. After lunch Wes had shop time - I mended his raincoat and my black plaid slacks. Then we went outside and raked leaves. I cut south grass to blow leaves - loads of mole runs - cut off some perennials in shade garden. Beautiful afternoon

1989 - Tuesday - 39° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful day. Over 60° in afternoon. To Mass. Couldn't turn lights on rented car - finally found the right button.
Washed hair - did a wash. Wes took out pool pumps - lots of water around the one in Freddy pool - no wonder he didn't pump lately. Wes drove me to Helen Ross at noon - (Alan Ross visiting there so Wes didn't stay with Alex) Helen and I went to Elm for Elizabeth Hall's luncheon - then onto RGC meeting at Vera Neligans. Home at 5. To 7:30 Lector & Eucharistic Ministers at church. Home 9:30

1990 - Wednesday - at Genessee Inn, Syracuse. Breakfast there - to Kelly's and with group to Cazenovia - went through Lorenzo - historic house  and Park on the Lake - very interesting - early home of Lidyards and Lincklaen families of Holland Land Co. Lunch at Lincklaen House - very enjoyable - walked around town visiting shops - Back to Inn for a nap. Group came there at 6 pm and we had dinner. Jerry Davis joined us and we all thought he was an addition.

1991 - Thursday - 54° at 6 AM - Had to get up early again to go to Mass - Father Medynski had cataract removal so no Mass Monday & Tuesday. Very foggy. I drove coming back from Mass - we took a lady home to Briar Ridge. Hung shower caddy in upstairs bath - put strip of wallpaper in Wes' shop Johnny - Wes started up leaf chipper after buying spark plug at Nutmeg - also jammed up once - I cut down more hosta - deer had tasted a lot of them - replaced fence at compost - deer damage?

1992 - Saturday - 48° at 7:30. Cloudy - rain at 1:30. Caught a mouse in the garage.
Put the little tire on the left rear flat - luckily I am in good shape. Wes went to Koodes Tire - took screw out - return on Monday for two new tires.
We raked and cut grass - lots of leave - raked some paths - now have huge piles of leaves to chip.
Worked on crossword in afternoon in the rain.

October 25

1988 - Tuesday - 41° at 6:30 - Beautiful moon last night - mostly fair, breezy day - some clouds in PM. To Mass - learned it was Joe Beckman's 79th Birthday. I made out some Christmas orders - Wes blew leaves. Picked up Helen and went to Silver Spring C.C. for Garden Club meeting - talk on birds - Home at 4:45. Wes had blown more leaves - north of shed path.

1989 - Wednesday - 42° at 7 AM - Fair - Indian Summer - 68° in afternoon.
Borrowed Mary Luke's card table - to Waldbaum's for groceries - bank - Marcus - Post office to send Youngstown photos to Joan and Kelly. After lunch replaced painted cover for bathroom radiator. Wes picked up Honda - door repaired - good to have it back. Cut grass to blow leaves - raked along road - lots of leaves down.

1990 - Thursday - Morning at Genessee Inn Syracuse- left there at 9 after breakfast - cloudy - but cleared as we reach closer to home - sunshine here at 2 pm. Eileen left to pick up Boo and Snow. - they were glad to see her but okay. Bit was leaving Kelly's for Canada - Joan & Hooker going to Pam's for dinner & then home. I cut grass - not too many leaves down (color had been beautiful on Taconic) We cut off Hostas at well area as forecast is for a cold night.

1991 - Friday - 58° at 6 AM - After morning fog cleared to warm sunny afternoon - 70°
To Mass. Wes went for gas for the can. I dropped off at Stop & Shop for bananas. Early lunch - I took Squash Bisque to Madelyn Morrison - looking very weak - on to Greenhouse to plant forcing bulbs for Preview of Spring Show. Wes phoned Youngs as leaf chipper won't work - We raked leaves - cut off Hostas near well. Foliage color has been beautiful.

1992 - Sunday. 45° at 6 AM. Eastern Standard Time Cloudy - high wind - cold - not outdoor working weather. To 8 o'clock Mass. Paid bills and contributions - wrote to Kelly in Georgia - phoned Joan - Bit and Mary - all well. Pam (her birthday) with Holmdens
Gathered hazardous waste material - made out form - hope this year we can get rid of paint cans. Caught up on papers. Enjoyed Maggie Smith, etc. in "Memento Mori" on Channel 13 - not a bad picture [[likely?]]