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October 26

1988 - Wednesday - 36° at 7:30. Slept late - felt good. Mostly fair, cold fall day.
Wes went for gasoline - 2 cans and car - and bank. 
To White Plains, Altman's - bought raincoat for Wes - down jacket for me - picture frame for Bit's Christmas. Met Eileen there - she was buying a coat. Home for a short nap. To Mary Luke's to bring table tops out of cellar- discuss party plans. I cut north grass - raked leaves there - lots down - Wes had shop time.

1989 - Thursday - 50° at 6AM - Beautiful warm day up to 70°. To Mass. To Young's for a leaf pickup cloth - chees shop - Stop & Shop. Cleaned house - arranged furniture for tomorrow's party. Set up bar.
In afternoon raked leaves- blew garden room clean - checked the moss garden - raked and blew leaves from that - tremendous number of leaves to rake in that area. Market dropped 39 points.

1990 - Friday - 45° at 7AM - Cloudy - Home from visit to Kelly - no Mass as Wes had 9AM appointment with Dr Jeffery Sandler (eyes). Passed - had field vision test - next appointment Jan 21st. Shopped Grand Union for bananas - bank - left Dutch Bulbs at Muriel Pedersen's and picked up ring and prostrate Rosemary to put on a ring - also Trevithian Narcissus - Home for lunch. Too windy to work outdoors. Wes balanced checkbook - paid bills.

1991 - Saturday - 60° at 7:30 - fog - damp. Supposed to clear but didn't until far in the afternoon. Young's picked up the leaf chipper. We couldn't finish the crossword. I made bran muffins - tavern bars and cookie from dough I put in freezer. Wes blew leaves on South side - later bagged them and took them to wild garden pile. I cut down Hostas around oak at well house and those along fence - also the day lily bed. Blow down the step rock garden - loads of leaves over everything.

1992 - Monday - 34° at 7AM. Fair morning - clouds in PM and a very few sprinkles at 4 pm - Just when I finished cutting the south grass - Marty to blow leaves. 
Most of day spent raking and carting leaves.
Wes went to bank - liquor - picked up cleaned slacks - Marcus - had razor repaired. Unfortunately new tire ordered by Kovacs was wrong size - go back Weds. 

October 27

1988 - Thursday - 35° at 6AM - Dark - became a beautiful fall day - high 52°. To Mass. Did a wash. To greenhouse - left Eileen's weeping Jack - ordered bread at Taste of Paris - cheese shop for Brie - Reclamation - Celebrations to pick up glasses and cups & saucers - Stop & Shop - Liquor - Mary Luke's to leave rented articles - home for lunch - nap - Wes fixed two sprinklers with replacement parts - he started the clippers & did some of huge pile of leaves at shed - I raked - cut down Iris - emptied Geranium pots - Horizon Foods came - bought lamb chops - stuffed peppers - flounder

1989 - Friday - 50° at 6AM. Birthday Party Day for Alex Ross. Beautiful day - warm & sunny. Prepared for party - set up tables - made salad, etc. Anne Francheschini and Gloria Marcheson here at 4:30 (Anne left cooked food - Gloria worked until 9:45) Guests at 5:30 - Rosses and Alan Ross - Father Tighe - Sobols - Tempanelli's - Kellers - Mark Sattler (Millicent ill) Billie Newell - Jane Jessup - Mary Luke - McKeons - Tracys - Punkie Scott (21 in all) Successful evening to judge by comments. To bed at 12.

1990 - Saturday - 35° at 7AM - sunny & cold day. 
Did house chores and cleaning in the morning. Wes blew and raked leaves all afternoon. I cut the South grass - mostly to clear it of leaves - lots of mole runs. Planted some of Dutch Bulb Co bulbs.

1991 - Sunday - 59° at 6AM - Standard time - foggy - damp - recent mornings have been the same. Didn't clear until late in day. Paid bills and contributions - also real estate taxes. Then we raked and carried leaves. I used the Lawnboy [[Lawn-Boy]] to cut the grass - stopped to rake leaves several times - good to see the green grass appear. Put sprinkler on north grass - new growth every day.
Watched "Sleepers" on Channel 13 - 2 Russian agents lost in England - funny.

1992 - Tuesday - 46° at 6:45. Fair. To Mass - breakfast following. Beautiful day - many leaves down but color gorgeous in hill opposite pond at sundown.
We picked up piles of leaves raked yesterday in driveway - walk etc. Raked north grass. Wes continued with leaves when I went to RGC meeting at St Stephens - talk/slides on Jefferson & Adams visit to English Gardens. I stopped for bananas and left list of Hazardous Waste at Health Dept enroute. Home at 4:50.