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November 21

1988 - Monday - Electricity off from 1:50 Am to 9:20 AM - wires down in Ridgefield and Danbury from wind. Dr. Yawty cancelled our appointment at 9. Heated oatmeal on sterno & had instant coffee - not bad. Went to Bank - Marcus and Waldbaeur after power came on. Wes fixed up "open bottom" bird feeder - squirrel had chewed hole in bag so seed was wet. Picked up leaves in Freddy Pool - raked path - swept walk.

1989 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - High wind warning. Partly cloudy. Windy all day - cleared - sun about 10 o'clock - Out to pick up sticks but too windy to stay out long. Went to 7:30 Mass. I made a pie crust. Wes cataloging shop equipment - he has decided to sell it. I sewed on white cotton shirt in afternoon.

1990 - Wednesday - 38° at 7 AM - good to sleep late. Fair beautiful day. Not as windy as recently. Cooked onions and sweet potatoes - turnip/potato stuffing. Cooked giblets. Wes raked down north east slope again. We picked up Helen Ross and took her to the 12:20 airport line - she is going to Tennessee. We shopped Stop & Shop and bought gasoline for the car - $1.68/gal! Wes chipped the pile of leaves raked in morning - I continued preparing for tomorrow.

1991 - Thursday - 62° at 6 AM - drizzle off and on - very warmer - about 70° - not a good working outdoor day. Wes did, however, chip leaves in AM and raked the northeast slope in P.M. (We had gone to Mass and took Anne Bower home (off Briar Ridge). I went to P.O. for mailing tape - Marcus for milk & butter - Stop & Shop - I cut off Epimedium along shed/well path - cut down Aquilegia, Astilbe and Dicentra in holding bed.

1992 - Saturday - 34° at 7 AM. Good to sleep late. Did crossword. Misting - so no outdoor work in AM. Polished silver and living room brass. Chipper and Lawnboy delivered at noon, so Wes started the chipper (had new carburetor) & did the pile at the shed. Joined him after making Tavern Bars and bran muffins.

To the Elm at 6:15 - Nancy Carroll Draper gave a dinner for 16 people - Tracys, Timpanellis, McKeons, Nelligans. Mary Luke - Billie Pimkie - Jane Jessup and Tony Cochran (Sandy ill) Home at 10:45. 

November 22

1988 - Tuesday - 32° at 7 AM. Clear. To Mass. 25th Anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination.
Beautiful sunny cold day. Cleaned first floor of house. Put Stonyl on front entrance and bedroom hall. Out to rake leaves - me - Wes used chipper on pile in well area - finished that in afternoon and put fertilizer on grass. I cleaned out water course in dell - tied up deer fence.

1989 - Wednesday - 23° at 7 AM. Big Pond Frozen. Saw Red Bellied under feeders. Must put out tree suet - couldn't buy any suet on trips to town. Picked up turkey - bought bus tickets for Dec 13th to NYC at Community House and joined their association - shopped Stop & Shop. Home to make dressing - cook turnips and potatoes. Wes had chipped leaves at shed - put machine away - brought up fireplace wood. After lunch we went to Lens Crafters - bought new glasses for me - to Pharmacy for Wes eyedrops - left shoes at shoemaker. Marcus - home to make pumpkin pie - clean living room.

1990 - Thanksgiving Day - 32° at 6:30 - Cloudy. Up to turn up heat & take turkey from refrigerator. Not a bad day - some sun & clouds - milder.  Eileen, Mary, and the dogs (Boo & Snow who looked beautiful) here at 11:45. Happy visit - good food if we do say so. Wes made a fire. They left about four. We took a nap, then cleaned up.

Margaret Thatcher resigned as British Prime Minister.

1991 - Friday 56° at 6 AM - Raining - 1 1/2 inch mid morning and continuing all day

To Mass. Did crossword. Wes coming down with a cold in chest - rested - all day. didn't eel all that bright either. Made pie crusts for Thanksgiving.

1992 - Sunday - 58° at 6:15 - Foggy - Cloudy - mild light rain most of the day. To 8 o'clock Mass.

Polished den gambrel lamps - the brass fire tools and wood bucket - living room brass lamp - washed scones and polished mirrors.

No outdoor cooking today - soup for lunch.

Read papers - cleaned up desk of contribution payments. Took a mile walk late afternoon. 

Phoned sisters - Carolyn Runwald's brother died. Bet & Gus trying to change ticks to go to Florida Monday.