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November 23
1988. Wednesday. 28° at 7 AM - Fair - frosty- a good cold sunny day.
  Shopped - Picked up turkey at Brunetti- new pen nib for this pen - gasoline - liquor - new Water Pik for me at  Genovese - "Roxanne" Moore Cassette for Eileen's Christmas - Stop & Shop - West went to Dr. Neligan at 2 pm - blood pressure 124/70 - stop pill for 3 months - I cooked for tomorrow's dinner. Carolyn & Pete came by to give us an apple pie.

1989 - Thanksgiving Day - 26° at 7AM - Snowing about 3 inches - first snowstorm on Thanksgiving since 1938. Wes shoveled and raked snow - stopped at 11AM - the snow. I preapred dinner, Eileen & Mary here before noon - Pete, Carolyn and Chelsea after 12:30. Pleasant afternoon - good dinner but I forgot to serve the stuffing. Eileen & Mary left about 4:15 - Pete & Carolyn soon after. Chelsea a beautiful baby. John Davis phones. We tried to nap ([[Wes?]] did) I started cleaning up - Wes joined at 6:30 - Relaxed - watched "Campion"[[?]]

Electricity off at 9:15 for five hours.

1990 - Friday - 48° at 6AM. Foggy - light rain all morning,. Father Medynski phoned at 7:15 he had a cold so no Mass. Did crossword, Wes in shop. I gathered articles for Goodwill box - worked with indoor plants. Had a martini at noon - nice long nap. Walked for first time - one mile - cleaned up water course channel and along road. Cut off turtleheads[[?]] Wes brought wood to garage - cleaned shed.

Catching mice in garage (2) and 1 in kitchen drawer.

1991 - Saturday - 50° at 7:15. Cloudy. Wes had a bad night - up a lot coughing. 3 inches in gauge at 8AM - glad to have it. Worked on crossword didn't finish it. I did a wash. To Hay Day Cafe at noon - Doug Reggo had a surprise birthday party for Heidi - all ladies (8). Home at 2:30. Wes' cough and chest bad, I shopped Stop & Shop for Eye Wetting Solution and cough medicine. Early dinner - I went to Joe Bechman's retirement party at 4 just to give our best wishes.

1992 - Monday - 60° at 7 AM. Partly cloudy. Heavy rain & thunderstorm in night - Bronx & Saw Mill Pkwy closed in places account high water. Wes went for a [[?]] early & had to return as high water over road at Wooster School. We put big birdfeeder together and Wes put it at Garden Room Entrance. Washed den windows. Raked leaves - very wet - at Garden room - cliff edge.  To S&S via Route 6 to avoid water - Wes went on for gasoline & to Marcus - returned home via Wooster & lots of cars had pulled off road but we went thru water safely.

November 24
1988 - Thursday - 32° at 7AM - Clear. Thanksgiving Day. Eileen & Mary came at 11:30 had a drink - except for Eileen - in Solar - good dinner with. The champagne the Sattlers gave us for our Anniversary. They left at 4:30 - we took a nap and then cleaned up. House was warm and Wes had built a fire - day was cold but beautiful.

1989 - Friday - 19° at 6AM - Dark - but fair when light came - Beautiful day but very cold. To Mass. Wes shoveled off the apron - later we cleared the deck of snow. Took salt hay and put it around tree peonies in Ballard Garden - gas for car and can[[?]] - Stop & Shop and Youngs for birdfeed and batteries

After lunch we put salt hay in the cold frame and on top seedlings and the Lubeka[[?]] in the deck.

1990 - Saturday - 40° at 7AM - Cought #3 mouse in garage - last night caught one in kitchen again. Cloudy - Did crossword - to Ridgefield cleaners for Wes' jackets - bananas and milk at Stop & Shop. Took a good mile walk. Raked leaves at steps to Wood [[?]] - lunch - nap - raked leaves at rhodadendron bed - West put a board under crack in stones at Andieleon[[?]] birdfeeder - rakes leaves along path to wild garden.

1991 - Sunday - 50° at 6:30 - Overslept 20 minutes. Some rain overnight - Rain gauge "is in"[[?]]. Wes did not go to Mass - rested his chest cold all day.

I was Lector at 8AM Mass. Picked up two loaves of Pumpernickel Raisin at church hall - Went to Mall to use discount coupons but couldn't find much - only black slipper for me - candied ginger from William-Sonoma - home for dinner at noon. I went to Sobol's cocktail party at 4:15 - home 5pm. Had telephoned sisters - all well.

1992 - tuesday - 48° at 6AM - Breakfast before Mass as Wes is going for a haircut before I leave for Garden Club Meeting. Wes was back from his haircut at 8:50 - I went to meeting at Silver Spring Club at 90:30 - Joan Lee Faust spoke on [[]] [[]]! Wildflowers - home for lunch. Wes had cleaned up leaves behind garden Room - he continued around that area (lots of leaves) in afternoon. I cooked the giblets - made potato/rutabaga - out to pick up leaves at front walk. Very damp - miserable weather. Bad snow storm in West - tornadoes in south.