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November 25

1988 - Friday - 32° at 6 AM - clear - cold beautiful day. Washed tablecloth and napkins. To Danbury Fair Mall - bought work shoes for Wes ($89) at Overland Trading Co. Cards at Penney's - Crystal candlesticks (Galliei) for Marie Sottung's wedding - slippers for Mary - Coco perfume for Eileen at Fox and Macy's. After lunch Wes finished chipping leaves at shed - I put Corydalis seed in top holding bed and coldframe - raked leaves toward Wes - cleaned under azalea bushes on Knoll. To Waccabuc at 7, guests of Sattlers.

1989 - Saturday - 29° at 7AM - Partly clear - a good November day - cold -
Wes paid bills - I did a little sewing.
Early lunch and nap. To Brookfield Theater to see Woody Allen's movie "Crimes and Misdemeanors"  Mostly good.
Watched Notre Dame/Miami game - Notre Dame lost unfortunately.

1990 - Sunday. 40° at 6AM - cloudy - became mostly fair - To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector.
Relaxing morning. I read papers which pile up - ordered Christmas presents by phone for Mary & Eileen. Wes wrote out contribution checks. He cooked lambchops on grill on deck at noon. We walked to Mason's (1.3 miles). Cleared out May apple bed area of leaves. Won Show & Light in NYC and Brunch at Inn in church raffle.

1991 - Monday - 34° at 7AM. Fair - windy - cold. Wes' cough/cold a little better but rested most of day. I vacuumed, washed Parkea [parquet] floor. Rehung imitation ivy plant Eileen gave us in the powder room - using a wire thru the fan cover. To bank and Marcus. Made bran muffins and Mrs. Fields cookies from dough I had put in freezer - sinfully good. Racoon had taken suet cage off tree last night so made sure to bring it in.

1992 - Wednesday - 45° at 7AM. Foggy - rain predicted light rain but a heavy fog.
Wes scrounged for wood for tomorrow's fire — I made dishes for tomorrow - stuffing - carrots & celery sticks - creamed onions - corn muffins.
Cleaned house in afternoon - set up Table - arranged fruit & vegetable centerpiece.

November 26
1988 - Saturday - 29° at 7AM. Big pond frozen. Sun came up at 7:26 over the hill - became quite mild - up to 60, so everything melted - a beautiful day. Did a wash. cleaned leaves from garden room area - in afternoon Wes cleaned out Piper pool - I did more shrubs on wood knoll. To Clyde's Restaurant, New Milford, for surprise 40th Wedding Anniversary party given by children for Tiber and Gizella Varga.  Home at 11:45.

1989 - Sunday - 40° at 6AM - Misty rain in morning - cleared in afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Papers - contributions made - cleaned up desk - Picked up Elizabeth Hull at 12:45 and on to Stonehenge where met Pinkie [?] Scott for lunch. Stonehenge had been rebuilt after a fire - looked beautiful - so did the food - tasted good too. Home at 4:15 - Wes napped - I did crossword.

1990 - Monday - 38° at 7AM. Partly cloudy — became a good day - mostly sunny - up to 52°. Did a wash - dusted livingroom - Wes split wood. To Prudential Bank to leave check for Conn. Gen. Obligation Bond - Stop & Shop - lunch in Solar - nap. Walked to Robundas (1 1/2 mi 
I cooked dinner for Helen Ross - we picked her up at Conn. Limosine at 4:30 - she had been to Tennessee - took her home - cleaned up a bit - to bed at 11 pm.

1991 - Tuesday - 32° at 6AM. At 6:25 light from sun was brilliant on east horizon. Fair, cold and beautiful day. I went to Mass - Wes rested his cough. We shopped at Stop & Shop - a mob - bought oven stuffer roaster - Perdue chicken - and other Thanksgiving foods. Outdoors in afternoon - Wes brought in wood I raked leaves under Cornus Kousa  - took leaves from Freddy pool - ice in it - refilled feeders - birds eat a lot.

1992 - Thanksgiving - 50° at 7AM. Rain - most of day - light. Prepared dinner - Wes set up fire Mary & Eileen here at eleven - Carolyn Pete & Chelsea at twelve. good family visit. Eileen brought fruit cups and pie - Pete carved the turkey.
We napped after they all left at 3:30/4PM Then cleaned up later.