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November 29

1988 - Tuesday - 38 degrees at 6 AM - Horizon clearing Rain in gauge 1.74. So another quarter inch yesterday Beautiful, cold day. To Mass. I went to RGC meeting at 10 AM at Carol Stoddard's - made an Advent Wreath - home at 1:15. Wes has a sore throat so rested most of day. I went out after lunch and nap - took in Freddy pond frog, raked along path above garden well, and raked leaves from big rock facing east on North Slope.

1989. Wednesday - 30 degrees at 6:40 - Windy - Sunny 6:59-4:19. No Mass day - nice to relax over breakfast - to Reclamation - Bank - Westport store "Silver" - bought umbrella for Mary's Christmas - car icescrapers for Bleckwehl's and Sattlers - 1990 YearBook - home for lunch and nap. Wes developing a sore throat. I sewed buttonholes in white cotton shirt. Took a walk just to Allen's corner - too cold - temperature dropping - not over 28 degrees in afternoon. 

1990 - Thursday - 51 degrees at 6 AM - Dreary-damp - real November day - colder in afternoon - cleared at sunset. To Mass. To record the RedBellied woodpecker - two males and at least one female - haven't seen two females together - come to the suet. Paid bills - wrote Joan - sent card to Ada Franken in Danbury Hospital broken hip - took a 2 mile walk - first time this year - raked and picked up leaves behind garden room and right of wild flower patch -amazing how many. UN voted resolution approving force against Iraq Jan 15.

1991 - Friday - 44 degrees at 7 AM. Had a light shower over-night. Cloudy. Part sun/clouds. I had a bad night. Caught this cold - better as a day went on. Caught Wes' cold - better as day went on. Didn't go to Mass. To Stop & Shop to buy food for Bit's visit tomorrow - no fertilizer at Young’s - Wes found it at Bedrent’s and put it on in afternoon - enough for 20,000 s.f. I raked up some leaves - cut down some aquilegia growing at [[timber?]] Pine - filled feeders

1992 - Sunday, 36 degrees at 6 AM. Fair morning - cloudy before noon.  Cold & gloomy - damp.  To 8 o'clock Mass 
Wes wound clocks - phoned Mary. Bit & the Holmdens away so I didn't call. I ironed the Thanksgiving tablecloth & other things piled up. 
We took Nancy Carroll Draper - Helen Ross - the Tracy’s - Billie Newell & Jane Jessup to lunch at the Inn - 23:30/3:15 - Read papers. Last episode of Secret Agent on Channel 13 Masterpiece Theatre & the last program Alistair Cooke will introduce. He’s retiring at age 84.

November 30

1988 - Wednesday - 32° at 7AM. Fair - cool - cloudy in afternoon. Wes has a cold. 
Did the crossword. Wrote to Joan - left at 10:30 for the Oxford House - I-84 Exit 15 - Route 67 East to Oxford - for Texaco Retirees luncheon annual meeting - good baked Scrod - home at 3:30 - nap - caught up on papers. 

1989 Thursday - 23 at 6AM - Damp dark cold morning - became fair in afternoon - high about 40. Wes has a cold - sore throat better by evening. he did not go to Mass. I tried for a haircut at the Mall but Charline not in on Thursdays - bought battery lights for Myrtle Standards at Christmastime - stopped for Mary .- to bank & Waldbaum. Home for lunch - nap. Finished white cotton blouse. Bought fish, veal and lamb from Horizon Food. Patrick) splitting two boxes with Gizella.
Audubon bird feeder arrived - we put it together.

1990 - Friday. 31° at 6AM - fair - breezy & cold but a good day. To Mass. Shopped. Took our two mile walk. Raked leaves - cleaned up the last of the south slope - the rhododendrons at Garden Room entrance - path over cliff to open spot to dump leaves - have so many - cut suckers from big stump which show from top - Wes pulled a thigh muscle on uneven ground there. 

1991 - Saturday - 49° at 7AM - cloudy - damp - very cold day - in 50's. Prepared luncheon for Eileen, Bit & the dogs here at 10:30 - so caught us unprepared, Bit had been at Neil’s for Thanksgiving and drove yesterday to Eileen’s. Nice visit but they didn't stay long, as Eileen not feeling well. We couldn't finish crossword.
Open bottom feeder fell off wire, breaking a part, luckily we have a duplicate.
Bit brought the Eagle weathervane.

1992 - Monday - 37° at 7AM - cloudy - sun 4:30 - 4:29 some sun - not a bad working day - but damp. 
Put stakes and wire around dwarf pine outside fence and staked & Ross netting around birds nest spruce. Trimmed lilac there. Wes to Podiatrist at 3 o'clock, stopping at Youngs for bird food - the bank & Grand Union looking for Citrus Hill (with calcium) OJ for me - home then.  I picked leaves from dwarf spreading spruce at wood knoll steps - from step wall garden & azaleas on wood knoll - still a lot to do.