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December 5

1988 Monday - 29° at 6:30 - Cloudy looked & felt like snow - cold - cleared in afternoon. 
To Mass. I went with Lee Dickenson & Muriel Pedersen to Gilbertue’s - bought herbs to put in squash pot for Preview of Spring show. To bank & Stop & Shop- Wes spent morning in shop. In afternoon he rolled lawn outside shop windows. I filled birdfeeders, raked and picked up leaves from wall garden - planted herbs in squash pot - dug up a couple strawberry plants & planted them

1989 - Tuesday - 18° at 6AM - Clear Reformer years 
1/2% milk at Marcus now $2.09 - Texaco stock 53- Bananas today 59 cents/lb. To Mass. Did crossword. I went to the Mall for a haircut - to Greenhouse to work - shopped Stop & Shop - visited Kelly who is minding Chelsea Bleckwehl for a few days - home for a late lunch.. Wes had brought up wood to garage- put more wood in shed- Lots of birds at new feeder- squirrel looking up at it

1990 - Wednesday - 31° at 7AM. cloudy - Sun- none today 7:05/4:28. Now paying $1.99 at Marcus for 1/2% milk - Texaco stock at 59. 
Went to Pat Crehan’s at 10 to sign Living Wills - discuss whether we need to change our wills. On to Stamford Town Center - Williams Sonoma - bought chocolate & vanilla for Helen Ross - Balsamatic Vinegar- avocado oil for Sattler - maple syrup for Bleckwehl’s - hamburger there- home- I went to mall for a haircut - bought Christmas Cards.

1991 - Thursday - 22° at 6:30 - Cold but a good winter day. To Mass - breakfast after- Did crossword - I visited Kelly at the Bleckwehls - she is taking care of Chelsea home with an ear infection. Went to bank and Squash's for pen refill and 1993 Diary - Home for a late lunch. Wes had rested as his cold is coming back unfortunately. We went to Stop & Shop - bought 2 wreaths for front of garage -(2 for $10.00) UPS delivered Maine wreath later on!

1992 - Saturday - 33° at 7 AM- First snowstorm of season - every tree covered - beautiful sight. Forecast is for clear & high wind in afternoon. Sun 7.05 4.28 Still paying $1.79/gal for 1/2% milk at Marcus. Texaco stock $58 
House chores - crossword. Wes cleared walks & deck of snow. After lunch to the Booklet - bought Christmas Cards & paper. To Mary Brook Fire House where bought a Christmas tree -$30.00. Put it in water in garage.

December 6

1988 - Tuesday - 28° at 7AM - Clear - some clouds and damp & cold in the morning. Good afternoon. 
To Dr. Yanity - teeth cleaned - by the doctor herself so very rough!. I have to go back next Thursday for crowns on broken filling. Bought a Christmas tree at lot behind Kodak place. $42 - Reclamation with papers. Wes went to a bearing shop in Danbury and bought fruit at Waldbaums. I knitted - did crossword - after lunch we adjusted birdfeeders to try to foil squirrel. Raked leaves from north Rhododendron bed - lots of them

1989 - Wednesday- 26° at 6:45 - Cloudy - Dreary Sun (none today) 7:06 - 4:28- Sun did come thru off & on. Read bible - did crossword - did a wash. Eileen came at 10:30 - We left for Cobs Mill, Weston, in her car with dogs at 11:30 - Texaco Retirees Luncheon Pleasant gathering - good food - slow service- home about 3:30 - Eileen went home- we took a nap- read papers - early to bed

1990 - Thursday- 29° at 6AM - Beautiful winter day - in 40's and no wind. To Mass. Shopped at Stop & Stop - good surpet and pointsettias -gasoline at $1.709/gal, including the new 5 cent Federal Tax. After lunch put chicken wire fence around juniper outside fence below mailbox- neat job. Raked leaves from driveway front walk and north side of house place is looking neater.

1991 Friday - 30° at 7AM. About 3 weeks snow! Cloudy - Plow had been through. Didn't go to Mass- will have to clear driveway first - Did snow clearing before noon- driveway- birdfeeders- solar roof & front walk & terrace. Forgot about deck. Put open bottom birdfeeder together with replacement parts received last evening - Wes made new holder for squirrel shield. Wes put in posts around arborvitae - didn't finish before dark.

1992 Sunday - 24° at 6:30 - Clear - Sun 7:06 -4:28 Very cold windy day. My index finger - right hand - very painful. To 8 o'clock Mass. Bought 3 Christmas Wreaths - hung 2 on garage - one over front door - next year buy a big one for that spot. Phoned sisters all well. Holmdens had a car accident - no hurt except to the car. Kelly going to Atlanta Jan 20th & then on to Mexico/Arizona