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December 11

1988 - Sunday - 22° at 6:30. Clear - light dusting of snow overnight. Very cold windy day. Out only to Mass at 8AM and fill feeders. 
Quiet day. Took Advent Wreath apart - planted the four herbs and put them under lights upstairs.
Finished writing Christmas cards.
Wes in shop - I knitted - read papers. 

1989 - Monday - 27° at 6AM. Dark - cloudy day - damp - up to 37° in afternoon. Wes took car to Honda for service - bank - Marcus - left some Christmas cards at post office - I wrote more cards, did work wash. We took a mile walk before lunch - nap - to the Mall for a few more cards. Bought nursery rhyme book for Chelsea - Coco perfume for my Christmas present. Home to fill feeders. Snow expected.

1990 - Tuesday - 26° at 6AM. Bright new moon and stars in south sky. Cold and very windy - little sun. Europe is having snow storms. Loss of life and electricity. To Mass. Sylvestri Fence Co erected the gate between fence and shed - looks good Hope we can stain it if weather is mild. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse wrapping plants as gifts to Meals on Wheels people. Finished writing Christmas cards - mailed them and package to Bit - bought umbrella for Mary.  Fixed bucket of greens (given me by Muriel) for front door. Bought Balsam Fire at Mary Brook. 

1991 - Wednesday - 35° at 7AM.  Beautiful day - mild for this time of year. Wes found his hammer in the rocks near the deer fence up the road - he examined the fence, can't find a break. Vargas say deer are breaking their electric wire. Eileen here at 10:45, we left at 11:15 for Thatcher's - off Exit 14 Rt 84 - Texaco Retirees luncheon - spoke to Al Hubert about son Jeff - whether he would set up sound system for us. Jeff returned call in evening- will come Friday. 

1992 - Friday - 36° at 7AM on our thermometer but it is snowing. High wind.  Heard noise at 4AM - mouse in kitchen drawer half caught in trap - dispatched him. 
Sun - none today - 7:10-4:25.  Terrible weather. Keeler Tavern luncheon day - Helen Ross canceled - Wes went with me - couldn't get up Sophia - reached G.W. Highway via Bogus & Ned Mountain Rd with great difficulty - picked up Anne Tracy - Elizabeth Hull joined. Roads better on way home - plows cleared main roads but not Sophia or Bogus. Letter from Joan, Hooker in hospital since Monday night - heart irregularity - phoned her - Hooker now home - Eileen without electricity since last night.

December 12

1988 - Monday - 8° at 6AM.  Clear, very cold but sunny day.  Not outdoor weather. To Mass.
To Post office - mailed Christmas cards - to UPS - sent off Bit's Christmas present - Meekers for sticky tape to affix fireplace closure - light bulbs for garage lamps - Dolans in Bethel to find no salt hay available anywhere - Waldbaums while Wes had a haircut.  Home for lunch - nap - wrote Bit - ironed - knitted - Wes in shop.

1989 - Tuesday - 24° at 6AM - No snow yet - on its way - only very light sprinkle at noon - blew out to sea. 
To Mass. To Emissions Test - passed - to Stop & Shop - Liquor - Cuccoli for speaker covering material - he had died no business being done - referred me to Radio Shack where I bought material - we went to Dr Yanity - both cleaned. Wes has to go back for filling - home for a martini & lunch - nap - finished Christmas cards - to Post Office to mail them - to Pepperidge for soup and bread.  Busy day.

1990 - Wednesday - 32° at 7AM. Beautiful day. Milder and no wind. Did crossword - plant chores. Eileen came at 10:30 - brought David's cookies - dogs looked beautiful - we left for Southbury at 11:15 - Thatcher's Restaurant - (two wrong turns first) just off Exit 14 of 84 - good roast beef luncheon - lots of bottles given by raffle - we only received consolation prizes - me a useful newspaper clipper - home at 3 - nap - relaxed - read papers - hung Christmas cards.

1991 - Thursday - 39° at 6AM. Beautiful stars. Beautiful day - clouded up late afternoon. 
To Mass. Added chicken wire to lower part of fence above 2nd gate. Also put Ross netting over Azaleas deer had been eating.
Left for Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza White Plains at 2:15 - stopping for gasoline ($1.48) Nice room, had a drink, took a nap, to Dick Berardi’s retirement party at 6:30 - Noisy music - left party at 9 for quiet room.

1992 - Saturday - 35° and still snowing. Must be something wrong with our thermometer. Sun 4-4:28 (NONE)
Paper was delivered - thank God we didn't lose electricity - lots of places did. Worst coastal storm since 1983 report says.
We spent day shoveling and raking. Snow filled in paths soon after shoveling.
Eileen's electricity came on again 7:30 last night.
Mary phoned she is OK - so are Bleckwehls.