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December 13
1988 - Tuesday - 13° at 6AM - Dark - lightly snowing Supposed to be only 2" here but snowed heavily in afternoon. To Mass. To Meekers when Wes phoned and heard they had salt hay. Also bought milk at Marcus - Wes in shop - I knitted. After lunch + nap outdoors to rake driveway and front walk + solar roof. Filled up again as quickly as we cleared it. We quit work at 4:30. Saw the Redbellied Woodpecker in the morning on the near feeder - in feed - two of them

1989 - Wednesday - 26° at 6AM - Glad no snow - Cold windy day. To St Mary's Parking Lot - 2 busses left for NYC at 9 - we got off at 51st Street - walked to Citicorp - saw the model railroad show - had lunch there - walked to St Patrick Cathedral - to Saks - Rockefeller Center - tree beautiful + skaters lovely to see - to St. James Theatre - Met Eileen there saw Gypsy with Tyne Daly - Jonathan Hadary and Cresta Moore - caught bus at 5:05 on 45th Street - Home 7:30. Freemans on bus - asked u sin for a drink tomorrow

1990 - Thursday - 36° at 6AM - Hated to get up - Off and on cloudy but not a bad day - over 50° in afternoon. To Mass. Made sprays for garage lamps from greens Muriel Pedersen gave us. To Prudential Bank to talk to Elizabeth Kuck on transferring P.B Nat. Municipal Fund to Dreyfus Premier - to Stop + Shop - to Post Office to mail present to Joan and Hooker - Wes had stained new gate at shed fence - after lunch we stained all but 3 slats of the fence to even out the color

1991 - Friday - Early sun in White Plains Crowne Plaza - left for home after breakfast - had rained overnight in White Plains - raining steadily in Ridgefield stopped at [[Ruechbeck?]] for fertilizers + planting mix. 52° at noon. Jeff Hubert here at 2pm to discuss replacing radio and speakers. Took measurements - will shop and get back to us Tuesday or Wednesday - We're looking forward to it - Wrote 24 Christmas cards.

1992 - Sunday - 38° at 6:30. Cloudy. Snow seems to be over. Sun 7:12 - 4:29. Drive to 8 o'clock Mass without too much difficulty. Paper wasn't delivered until 2 pm. Phoned sister - Joan + Hooker say they are ok - Kelly didn't have much snow - Bit's car was stuck in her driveway but a garage truck got it out - Mary is okay. Wes cleaned out paths shoveled yesterday - at least 2 more inches - I cleaned off solar roof - we pushed snow from deck and widened front walk + driveway. We shoveled out a turn around - cleared the apron, Lots of exercise

December 14
1988 - Wednesday - 27° at 6AM - About 9" of snow on deck - Had to rake and shovel driveway - road had been plowed. Wes drove me to Purdy's for the 9:48 train to Grand Central - one hour later than planned. Saw Mr Long and returned on 12:58 train - Wes met me at Purdys He had shoveled front walk and to the birdfeeders - I did more shoveling for exercise - Wes in shop. Temperature rose to 40° in afternoon. Saw large flocks of geese flying south

1989 - Thursday - 14° at 6AM - Full moon. Sun 7:12-4:29 Sunny + cold. To Mass. Set up TR - don't want to "almost miss" him this week. Did a wash. Did the crossword - very difficult for Thursday - Lunch - nap - Made a pumpkin pie and prepared dinner as called on Freeman's at 4pm - saw their red budge - walked around - they put on lights when dark came - home at 5:35 - drink - dinner

1990 - Friday - 29° at 6AM - Cold beautiful day. To mass. Set up tree in solar. To Pharmacy for Wes eyedrop - gave him a bottle three times regular size - To Bank on Main Street to put Conn. Housing Bond in Safe Deposit Box (finally) Home for lunch. Put lights on tree - will wait to see if ok before putting on ornaments. Set up crib. To Billie Newells' at five. picking up Helen Rose - about 17 people there. Home at 7:15 for soup.

1991 - Saturday - 52° at 7AM Raining  Snow (none today) 7:12-4:29 - rained until about 4pm - good indoor day. To liquor store - post office - bank - Marcus Stop + Shop - despite early hour lots of people. Wrote Christmas cards - finished them (76). Couldn't finish crossword. To Kellers at 6:30 for dinner party - over 30 people - home at 11 - found front gate swinging open in heavy wind.

1992 - Monday - 32° at 7AM - Cloudy - Sun 7:13-4:29 Some sun in late afternoon To Liquor - bank - Marcus - Mall - William Sonoma for maple syrup + pancake mix for Helen Rose Christmas - Stop + Shop - lunch - nap. To Dr Beck at 3:30 - Wes to have sonogram of bladder coming Thursday - clear evening