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December 23

1988 Friday - 22° at 6 AM.  Dark.  Sun 7:18 - 4:33 Dreary day - sleet about 10 AM - turned to rain - stopped mid - afternoon - temperature rose to 37° - fog.
To Bleckwehl's to see Carolyn - leave fruitcake & pewter sugar & creamer - gasoline - Brunetti for beef filet - $51.98 - !! - about twice as big as desired - Stop & shop - crowded - home just when sleet started.  Finished arranging greens for table - candles etc - Wes had shop time - Picked up Rosses and went to Punkie Scott's for dinner at 6:30. - home at 10:30 - pleasant evening. 

1989 - Saturday - 8° at 7 AM - Sun up.  Saw deer again halfway up hill opposite us across pond - Sun 7:18 - 4:32 
Livingroom gradually getting warm - up to 65 by nightfall.  Took amaryllis & cookies to Rosses - Amaryllis & car window scraper to Sattlers - to Youngs for bird food - few things at Stop & Shop - loads of people - Punkie Scott came with a present for us - So no nap for me - cleaned off deck & Solar roof - we cleaned livingroom - Wes saw two does outside our fence when he took in the suet - they jumped the Vargas fences

1990 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM.  Fog - mist - what weather for December but better than snow.  Sun 7:18 - 4:32
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Delivered Christmas present (Balsamatic vinegar - Artichoke oil) to Sattlers - to Punkie Scott to pick up pie she was giving us.  Phoned girls - all well.  Read papers - watered plants - polished tables in livingroom.  Wes in shop.  Had a long nap at noon

1991 - Monday - 34° at 7 AM.  Sun 7:17 - 4:32 
Windy and cold - light rain beginning at noon.  Did a wash - ironed.  To Mall.  Wes dropped me for a haircut - he had one in Danbury and stopped at Marcus enroute picking me up - tremendous traffic The most we had ever seen - long lines of cars on Bacchus Avenue & George Washington. 
Added more ornaments to tree - difficult to decorate as very stiff sides of branches - sheared so much.

1992 - Wednesday - 32° at 7 AM - Cloudy.  Sun 7:18 - 4:33
To S&S to buy beef filet for Christmas - to bank to deposit Greg Miller's $3,000 check - bank called the N.J. Bank & learned money was in his account - we were relieved.
Weather too poor to walk.
Made Bob Pippet sleigh decoration for table.

December 24

1988 - Saturday 34° at 7 AM.  Foggy.  Sun 7:18 - 4:33
Wes took 3 squirrels to Senior's Road - one yesterday. 
Cleaned living room - set table.
Took a mile walk.  Put Bank Mart check in Union Trust - it came finally.  Rain at noon - continued all afternoon.  I cooked for tomorrow's dinner.  Went to 5 o'clock Mass but such a crowd came home.  Relaxing evening.

1989. Sunday - 3° at 6 AM.  New moon & stars beautiful.  Heat in the three zones held at 60 overnight.  Very cold, mostly sunny - no wind.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Father Medynski still in hospital.  Cleaned den - made preparations for Christmas - mince pie - Harvard beets - cranberry muffins.  Called Joan - Bit and Sally - all well
To Billie Newell's at five for a cocktail

1990 - Monday - 58° at 7 AM. High winds - rain
Sun 7:18 - 4:33 - Rain until noon.  We shopped at Stop & Shop - took a walk before lunch.  Wes in his shop.  I did a wash - made mince pie - cooked Harvard beets - sweet potatoes - cornbread and bran muffins - ironed tablecloth.  Temperature fell all day - 32° at night - the wind howled all day.

1991 - Tuesday - 32° at 7:15 - Sun 7:18 - 4:33 
Madeline Morrison died night of Dec. 21st - I made Garden Club Telephone Tree calls re service next Monday
To Motor Vehicle Bureau to renew Wes' license for 4 years - to Dupps Market for candied fruit for pie - beets & Feta cheese - to bank - home to add more wire to road fence - put leaf chips on Artemisia.  To 4 o'clock Mass in lower church - there was also a Mass in upper church - parking lots jammed - we parked near road - almost didn't get a seat - Wes stood.

1992 - Thursday - 24° at 7AM.  Clear - very high wind 
Cleaned living room.  We picked up big sticks for kindling.  Took a walk mid morning only to Allens as wind was very strong & cold. 
Wes sorting shop tools - what he will keep.  I made a mincemeat pie
To 7:30PM Mass - crowded - hard to find a parking place - snow piles didn't help.