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Millie was trying to get away from her brother so we went to the library & read our wishing well & horoscope. Strangely enough her said what ever you want to do tonight don't do it!

When we came from the library to see if Snookie was in the show, The soldiers started following us again & we walked clean up to the bowling ally & back again & we lost them. When we went to go to the show, there they were. I said and what part of the Country are you all from? He said "well now I'll tell you, you see we're revilles. I come from Arwkinsaw." I laughed then. We met a girl who was being chased too. They pulled a different one on her. Texas they said. She said well I all come from Stoughton now get out of here.

We crossed the street again and waited. Finally Millie decided to go to the show. When we crossed the street there was five of them! We got in the show free because Louis Green said go ahead. We came out again about 9:15 and they were gone. But we did have fun that night.

I am a bracelet fiend at the present moment & I also like perfume and stuff like that there.

I bought you your gift last Saturday, when we went to Brockton.

I have a new bright red coat & hat & bunny fur mittens with red leather palms, for Christmas but am wearing the hat & coat now.

I would like an identification bracelet or necklace with my name and address. If I had the necklace I could wear it all the time.

How are you all down there write a again soon. 

Love Mabel.

And a Merry Christmas!