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- even in front of my mother! But she doesn't mind as long as she knows who he is.

He was across the street and I went across to the drug store. He stopped me and said "What are you doing tomorrow?" I said that I would go to church. He said No I mean in the afternoon. I said it all depended upon my mother and he, like a child said "Ohhh...!"

One night I was going home from the library and when I got by some cute guys that I don't think I've seen before, one said "There goes Mabel," wonder what he meant by that crack.

You should see the book I was reading. Modern Romances.  wow! all about these young girls running around with the wrong boys but still they do it until they find out they're going to have a baby! Then they wish they had listened to some one else.  oh boy!  One girl had a baby by her sister's husband. Then she blamed it on a boy she had run around with.

Gee I'm sorry I didn't write sooner but well home work [[homework]] and stuff kept me.