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home for part of the week?  I could probably stay at Dotties - that's my girlfriend - part of the time.  Besides seeing Mr Lewis and Dotty I would get to see you and Mrs. Barry, which would be wonderful.  This plan is all sort of tentative.  I'm pretty sure I can get that week off in August but I havn't asked my boss yet. 

Now here is how I met Mr Lewis, who lives and has lived all his life in Saugus, Mass. Right

after Christmas of 1949, when I went back to my job at the Pentagon, he came down to Washington.  I was getting a drink at the water fountain in the hall outside my office when I saw this man up the hall.  People are always getting lost in the Pentagon so I asked him if he was lost and he replied that he was looking for Colonel West.  Well, I knew a Colonel Charles West down the hall from my office, who worked in the same branch as I.  This 

happened to be the right Colonel West so I directed him to his office.  It happened Colonel West was on leave so Mr Lewis didn't get to see him.  He told me he was from Boston and had come to see the Colonel, who was his Commanding officer in Algiers, Africa in the 2nd World War.  He hadn't seen him since he left for home in 1945.

About a week or so later Colonel West walked into our office and told me that his friend wrote him a letter from Boston saying he was sorry he

missed him. He also said tell the little girl who directed him that if she ever came to Boston he would be glad to show her around the place.  I just laughed and thought nothing of it, but Colonel West kept coming in and saying his friend had seemed to like me.  One day he brought me his name, address at home, and his store addresses.  He has 2 wallpaper and paint stores, one in Boston and in Everett, I think.