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Mrs. Freitag and cut her head.  This ill treatment happened when the soldiers first started off with Hilly.  Mrs. Freitag decided that a hiding place must be found for Hilly.  She decided on the very top floor of the building.  There, from the rubble strewn over the floor, she constructed a stone casket with a hole in the bottom.  Hilly lived in that stone enclosure for about 11 days, and her mother placed her food within reach of the casket.   After the reasonable length of time for safety had elapsed Hilly came out.  Her mother pulled her straight blond hair over her eyes and smutted up her face and gave her or rather made her a long old woman's dress.  She must have disguised her well becasue she was a dressmaker anyway.

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heavy fighting was to be expected.  However, she accused the English and Americans of bombing cities which actually were not too important to the winning of the war.

And now she talked of the terrifying experiences with the Russians who invaded Berlin.  It seems their room (Mrs. Freitag and Hilly's) was located on the first floor of one of the few residential buildings left standing in the city.

One day or rather one night 3 German soldiers knocked on the door to Mrs. Freitag's room, told her they were prisoners of the Russians, who had escaped after battle.  She let them in, but truly didn't know what to do with them.  The Russian soldiers were coming near her house.  She knew it would never do for Russian soldiers to see her harboring 3