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October 6, 1946

Dear Dor:

I have just returned to the blanket where we are all sitting, after putting on my lipstick.

The water washing against the sand sounds heavenly.  Sophie and I just came out of the water.  It felt worse than the Y W C A pool when we first walked in but we got used to it after a while.

Sophie pushed me up on a little strip of wood attached to the wharf (so-called wharf) and then told me to go on up.  My weight wouldn't let me.  I felt like the side of a barn as I tried to lift myself up to the top of the wharf.  Sophie said to go on and think what an accomplishment it would be to reach the top.  I never made it.

A plane just flew over.  It was very low and you could see its color - pale greenish blue

Pardon the pear blot.  I'm trying to eat & write at the same time.  We had hot-dogs, tomatoes, clam chowder, cake, pears & apples for dinner.

You will be getting a glamorous (?) pose of me in