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chocolate cake and when we started off mother hadn't put the cake in. She thought I was going to put it in. So that evening we had chocolate cake.

I'm making Johnny a little shirt out of an old shirt of daddy's. I am copying from another shirt of Johnny's. I think it will be alright.

I cut Mrs. Anderson's yard and boy, it was a tough job. She said you charged 50c an hour so I said that would be alright. I worked over 6 hours on it but I told her 5 hours so figure it up yourself. I had enough money to buy Johnny a little pair of overalls. They are really cute.

I was over to see the big yard that we always got 50c an hour apiece for and the man he would cut it in the high places and then I could cut the rest. I haven't cut it yet.

I've been listening to cowboy songs on the radio and have been copying them down in shorthand. I've got quite a collection. You must see them when you come back.


2617 North Second Road
Arlington, Virginia
August 29, 1944

Hello, dear heart

How have you been today? I received your letter yesterday and brother, what a letter. I am ready for anything in your letters. You'll probably be announcing your own funeral the next time. I was reading the beginning of your letter aloud and the part about your grandmother dying brought an abrupt halt in mom's ironing with a pronounced "What! " Then in a few more lines your grandmother was being given pills. I must say I don't quite understand it. Well, so much for your letter. I see you were only trying your ability as a writer.

Oh, what a day. I've been washing clothes. I washed the white and green sweaters your mother gave me. I rubbed and rubbed on the green sweater but it didn't appear very bright.