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down the road from my house. It overflowed and part of the side fell off. The kids have been wading in the water. The sun is out now though it was raining this morning.

Last week I went to a movie theater down in Washington with Jean Saunders next door and saw "The Gay Sisters" (a wonderful movie and one you should see) and a stage show. A bunch of girls danced and played drums and three boys did acrobatics, etc, etc,.

About two weeks ago Carroll was watching daddy fix a garage door for our neighbor and the door fell on him and broke his collar bone but he had it set and now it is getting alright. I wonder what next will happen.

You were right when you bet John Cary was cute. He is but boy is he ram-bunk-shus [[ram-bunc-tious]]. He wants to crawl over the floor and pull out the electric plug and the oven door. We found him with a safety pin once and we know he had it in his mouth. 

We are all going to Penn. Aug. 23 for a few