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4 [[d]]

today. The cat is out 
catawalling with the 
Doctor's cat. Miss Bean 
is sick. The snow is melted 
so, I can't cast.
February 11, 1935.
My front tooth came out last 
night. I colored some of my 
shells the other day. I have some 
more shells to paint. I cleaned 
round my paints yesterdga. 
Saterday February 16, 1935.
Bain came over the 14, and 
broght 4 valnentines. I allready 
had 11 valnentines. I was 
sick then to. I haven't gone 
to school for to days. We saw 
a robin this morning. 
Thursday, Feburary 28, 1935.

5 [[e]]
I got a new kite a little while
a go it was a red kite Tommy
and I went to the store to get it.
I got two boxes of dates yesterday
and a box of paints with
12 colors in it
March 5, 1935 Tuesday
A man ran into Daddy.
Bain came over with his
roller-skats today.
The cat has not been out
Sundan March 10, 1935.
I have chicken pox. The cat is
had her opratoin. The cat is sick.
I have just watered my little 
flower. The cat has a boal
under her ear her boal has
brocan when Daddy toched it.
Daddy bough some panzieas last