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Copy of the Journal of Doris S.Blake from April 1 to 12, 1936.

At half-past seven on the first day of April I helped pack the car. Then we started. Soon after getting out of the city we came to the BlueRidge Mts. We went around, around, around, around and around to the top of the mountain on the Skyline Drive. Soon we lunched. Then I had a nap. After I woke up we went into West Va. Then we came to the Alleghany [[Allegheny]] Mts. We traveled on them until evening. We stayed at a womans prison that night. There were flowers outside and inside. In the morning at the table I found pansies on the plates. I traded for mother's pansy and then for father's. After breakfast I went to see the prisoners. I saw a school. Most of the prisoners were foreigners. I saw two young spaniards. We saw lots and lots of the prisoners sewing shirts. In a little room we saw hanging on the wall hundreds and hundreds of handkerchiefs. The prisoners had made them. Each had a name pinned to it. Father bought two pretty handkerchiefs. Mother bought a tablecloth for herself. Then we went on. I kept the pansies. Soon we had our lunch. In a little while I had a nap. When I woke up it was raining. Rain spattered in the window. I pulled father's jacket over my head to keep out the rain. But soon the rain stopped. After a while black clouds came in the sky. They stayed there for a long while. I forgot to tell that after being in the Blue Ridge Mts. I saw a small yellow, black and white stage coach. Another thing I forgot to tell was that when we were on the mountain some C.C.C boys were clearing away the rock on the Skyline Drive. There was a big rock sticking out of the bank. The C.C.C boys put some dynaite [[dynamite]] in the rock. Then they hurried away. Suddenly there was a loud bang and the dynamite exploded. In the evening father got a puncture after dark. It soon was fixed and we went on to a hotel. There we spent the night. In the morning after breakfast, we found snow on the ground. We saw snow on the mountains too. The peach and pear trees are in bloom. Soon we ate our dinner. When evening came we stayed at a hotel. In the morning after breakfast we set out again. I forgot to tell that I saw the Dickson Cabins. Dickson was spelt like this, - d i ck s o n. I saw an old fashioned fire engine. Soon it began to hail. Two of the hail stones came in the window. In two or three minutes it stopped. As soon as lunch time came we stopped at Moundville, (Alabama) where the Indian mounds are. We had for dinner barbequed chicken and pig. After dinner we went out to hunt for Indian pottery. We found Indian pottery and bones. Then we went to a little house. Inside were skeletons of Indians. The Indians had buried the things the dead liked best with them. Most of the things they liked best were pots. I forgot to tell that a man named Jerry came with us. We had gone with him all the way from Washington. When we got back to the cars, Jerry could not find his car key. He got a man to fix his car so he could run it. Then Jerry went d own [[down]] to Tuscaloosa to buy a new key. We had to go on again, so we did. While he was going down to get they key we started. When it got dark, I had a nap. When I woke up we were at Mr. Farr's house in Claiborne. We spent the night there. In the morning Miss Gardner and Jerry came. After breakfast we went collecting along the cliffs of the Alabama River. After we had collected enough we saw Jerry with another man in a small motorboat that went mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter. We got in beside Jerry and the boat started. But Jerry stepped out and went back to the cars. We went in the motorboat for one mile to a large sandy beach. Jerry had bought the cars to the place we landed at. Jerry got in the motor-boat and up the river we went for six miles. Then we stopped at