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Members Senate Sub Committee Indian Affairs
Dept Interior

May 25, 1971

Grace S. Thorpe, Chairman
Nat'l Return Surplus Lands to Indian People Committee
4339 California St.
San Francisco, Calif. 94418

Senator Henry M. Jackson
Senate Sub-committee of Indian Affairs
Senate Office Bldg. 
Washington, D.C.

RE: Assistance in placing American Indian Tribes and organizations on the top priority list [[strikethrough]] of HEW [/strikethrough]] in distribution of Federal Surplus Lands.

Dear Senator Jackson:

[[margin]] Federal [[Agency?]] Airports [/margin]]

Earlier this year, on March 31, 1971, President Nixon announced plans to make available 6.8 billion dollars worth of Federal Surplus Lands. [[strikethrough]] State and local government units [/strikethrough]], wildlife refuges, conservation area, and Health, Education and Welfare are on the top priority list for these lands.

As [[a member?]] of the Nat'l Return Surplus Lands to Indian people Committee (RSLIP), I would appreciate your aid and support in placing Indian tribes and organizations on the top priority list [[strikethrough]] of Health, Education and Welfare [[/strikethrough]] for the distribution of Federal Surplus Lands.

[[right margin]] Federal [[?]] Airports [[/right margin]]

We would appreciate it if your [[committee?]] could furnish us with an up-to-date list of available surplus sites, and alert us to any pertinent legislative hearings on the matter. I would also like to urge you to introduce, sponsor, or support legislation to place American Indian tribes and organizations on this top priority list [[strikethrough]] of HEW [[/strikethrough]].

Members of the Nat'l RSLIP Committee have already: testified at surplus land hearings, April 15, 1970, Washington, D.C.; disseminated information to [[?]] Indian groups across the country; and helped a group of Indian educators secure a surplus site on April 2, 1971, for the building of a university (Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University).

Transcription Notes:
second [[?]] maybe "agencies"