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Monday, February 29, 1971


(Continued From Page 7)
4. Mexican American in Transition
5. History and Sociology of Racism
6. Mexican American Life Styles
7. Community Organization and Development
8. Contemporary Problems in the Barrio

Preliminary Plan of Organization and Operation

A. Governing Board
The Deganawida-Quetzalcoatl University will have a Board of Trustees comprised of thirteen members, six of Chicano backbround, six of North American Indian background, and one selected jointly be the other twelve.

The initial Board of Trustees has been selected by Native American and Chicano groups centered in the northern-central California area for purposes of ease of communication and to eliminate unnecessary travel expense. At a later date, however, a plan will be developed which will guarantee that the trustees are democratically selected by a broad spectrum of Indian and Chicano organizations from throughout the United States.

B.Advisory Committee
The Board of Trustees will create a series of advisory committees designed to facilitate the programmatic development of the University. One advisory committee has already been initiated to help with the creation of the medical college. Still others are in the planning stage.

C. University Organization
It had been proposed that the university be initially divided into four colleges, as follows:
1. Tiburcio Vasquez College--this college will encompass the general offe 
junior college and vocational programs.
2. Carlos Montezuma College--This college will focus upon the health sciences and will encompass the training oof medical doctors.
3. Deganawida College--This college will encompass North American Native American Studies.
4. Quetzalcoatl College--This college will encompass Chicano Studies and Mesoamerican-South American Native American Studies.

In addition, severl institutes are planned. These will be community service or research agencies which do not offer instruction.

Preliminary Development Plan 

1.General Outline
   A. Phase One: August 1970-February 1, 1971
      1. Development of plans.
      2. Securing of site.
      3. Preliminary negotiation of contracts and grants.
      4. Preliminary solicitation fo gifts, bequests, and donated materials.
      5. Securing of preliminary accreditation.
      6. Planning schedule of courses for Spring semester and securing of instructors.
   B. Phase Two: February 1, 1971-June 30,1971
      1. Operating of Spring semester courses in general, non-resident student program (twenty courses, largely in the evening and on weekends), both lower and upper division.
      2. Planning for summer semester
      3. Planning for development of medical college.
      4. Operation of a few contract training programs.
   C. Phase Three: July 1,1971- June 30, 1972
      1. Operation oof Summer, Fall and Spring semesters, general program (non-resident), both lower and upper division.
      2. Planning for medical college: opening oof medical college during year.
      3. Operation of contract training program.
      4. Operation of contract research programs.
   D. Phase Four: July 1, 1972- June 30,1973
      1. Implementation of full junior college (two year) program, plus some upper division work.
      2. Operation of training and research contracts.
      3. Operation of medical college.
      4. Implementation of nursing program.
   E. Phase Five: July 1, 1973- June 30, 1974
      1.Operation of two-year, nursing, and medical programs, plus some upper division general course work.
      2. Operation oof training and research contracts.
      3. Intensive planning for upper division and graduate programs other than in medicine.
   F. Phase Six: July 1, 1974-June 30, 1975
      1. operation of two-year, nursing and medical programs.
      2. Implementation oof upper division and graduate programs in Native American and Chicano studies.
      3. Operation of training and research contracts.
2. Agencies With Which the University Intends to Seek Contracts for Training Programs
   A. State of California
   1. Department of Corrections
      a. Contract to train prison personnel in working with Chicano-Indian prisoners
      b. Contract to train parole board members in special problems of evaluating the readiness of Indian-Chicano prisoner for parole.
   2. Department of Beaches and Parks 
      a. Contract to train park personnel in how to develop the Indian-Chicano heritage as a part of the park program.
  3. Department of Education
      a. Contract to train elementary teachers to work better with Indian and Chicano pupils
      b. Contact to train elementary teacher to work better with Indian and Chicano pupils.
      c. Contracts to train other education personnel relative to the education of minority pupils and developing appropriate curricula.
      d. Contracts for training personnel in migrant education programs.
   4. Division of Forestry (and other agencies)
      a. Contracts to train administrative personnel in personnel policies and recruitment methods relative to Indian-Chicano employees.
   5. Department of Labor
      a. Contract to train minority employment specialists, working in Chicano-Indian areas.
   B. Other States
      Similar contracts will be sought in other states, however, the training may not all be provided on the Davis campus. In some cases, sites will be utilized elsewhere, if appropriate.
   C. Federal Agencies (examples)
      1. Bureau of Indian Affairs
       In general, the university will seek to compete fro all of the training programs now contracted for by the B.I.A, with initial emphases upon the California-Nevada region. Currently, the B.I.A. contracts out for the following type of training:
      a. Vocational training (welding, auto mechanics, clerical, dental technician, cosmetology, practical nursing, etc.)
      b. Staff training (training of, for example, B.I.A teachers in how to better work with Indian pupils).
      c. Tribal personnel (training of tribal chairmen, council members, tribal judges, tribal police, etc.) The annual B.I.A. budget for contracting runs into the multi-millions each year. The university can doubtless contract for a substantial part of this amount by offering higher-quality, more effective programs.

      2. Department of the Interior (other than above)
      a. Contracts to train National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management personnel relative to better portraying of the Indian-Chicano heritage, better recruiting of minority employees, and planning in relation to reserving the Indian-Chiano heritage.
      b. Contract to train Indians and Chicanos for careers with the National Park Service (and with the Bureau of Land management, U.S. Forest Service, etc.)

      3. Department of Agriculture
      a. Contract to train Agricultural Extension personnel in how to make their programs available to Indians and Chicanos (similar training for other departmental programs, such as Soil Conservation Service). 
      b. Contract to train Indian and Chicano community workers and/or leaders in how to better make use of Agriculture Department programs.
      c. Contract to train Indians and Chicanos for careers with departmental agencies.

      4. Department of Labor
      In general, the university will seek to work with all Labor Department programs which offer training needed by Indian-Chicano people. (This will include programs funded by the department but implemented by the states.) Areas included will be manpower training, law enforcement career training, training for minority employment personnel, etc.
      5. Agency for International Development and Peace Corps
      In general, the university will seek contracts to train personnel intending to work with tribal or peasant populations overseas, especially in the Americas.

      6. VISTA
      The university will seek to acquire the contract for training VISTA volunteers working in Chicano and Indian communities for the year of 1971-1972.

      7. National Teacher Corps
      The university intends to seek a contract to train NTC teachers during 1971-1972 and thereafter, with emphais upon teaching in Indian-Chicano communities.

      8. U.S. Office of Education (other than above)
      The university, in general, will apply for all training grants relating to the Indian-Chicano communities in terms of training community people, resource specialists, or educational personnel. These contracts will be sought it such areas as vocational education, elementary and secondary education, higher education, the Career Opportunity, and so on.

      9. National Council on Indian Opportunity
      It is our understanding that the NCIO will soon commence contracting out in the area of training Indians in administrative skills. The university will seek to participate in this program.

      10. Office of Economic Opportunity (other than VISTA)
      The university will seek to become the training center for OEO personnel and the personnel in the OEO-funded programs for the California-Nevade-Oregon region. At present the OEO Indian Division does not contract with an California-Nevada university. Likewise, OEO community action programs administered by the San Francisco regional office should benefit from personnel training relative to working with, or in, Chicano and Indian communities.

      11. General Services Administration
      a. Contract with the National Archives to train Indians how to locate tribal records in the archives and the regional records centers (subject to availability of funds).
      b. Contract with G.S.A. to train Indians and Chicanos who are tribal or organizational employees or officers in how to apply for and obtain federal surplus property and how to qualify for the various classifications (subject to availability of funds for such a purpose).

      12. U.S. Public Health Service and National Institutes of Health
      a. Contracts to train nurses and doctors in community health techniques relevant to the special cultures of Chicano and Indian communities.
      b. Contracts to train Indian and Chicano community health aides (in conjunction with the State Department of Health's California Rural Indian Health Project in California rural Indian areas).
      c. Contracts and grants to aid in the development of college training programs for medical doctors and nurses of Indian and Chicano background.
      d. Contracts to train both community people and nutritionists in the use and relative value of traditional Indian and Chicano food resources with emphasis upon available "wild" plant resources.

      13. Department of Commerce
      a. Contract to train Indians and Chicanos in small business operation, in how to secure financing, and in how to counsel others in this area.
      b. Contract to orient department personnel in how to work effectively with the Chicano and Indian communities.

      14. Department of Housing and Urban Development
      a. Contract to train HUD personnel in methods of facilitating successful interaction with the Chicano and Indian communities.

[[image - symbol]]

      b. Contract to train Indian and Chicano individuals as Housing Specialists, i.e., as resource persons possessing special competence in how to secure housing for their communities.

      D. Local Agencies
      The expertise represented by a university focused primarily upon the cultures of the Chicano and Native American people will be of considerable value to many local agencies, including law enforcement agencies, social welfare agencies, community action programs, private organizations, bar associations, medical associations, teacher's associations, etc.
      The university anticipates conducting training programs for the staff of the above agencies and also for "target groups" which may be served by such organizations, i.e., in local job training programs.

      3. The Relationship of Training Programs to the Long-Range Goals of the University
      The fundamental goal of the university is to serve the Chicano and Native American people. Any program which falls within the general area of education beyond the public school level and which serves to enhance the quality of life of the Chicano-Indian people will be undertaken whenever sufficient resources are available.
      With the above philosophy in mind it is clear that the university can make no sharp distinctions between "academic" and "non-academic" or between activities "proper" or "improper" to a university. The university exists to serve people within its education sphere and it must attempt to meet the still unmet needs of its people at whatever level they can best be dealt with.
It follows that short-term and medium-term training programs fal within the legitimate scope of the work of a university concerned with service. The training of a craftsman or a bulldozer-operator is not essentially different, as such, from the training of a person in business management or journalism. 
This university proposes, however, to actively seek involvement in training contracts not merely because they might fall within the scope of the institution's general education responsibility but also for the following significant reasons:  
1. This university possesses in its staff and will soon possess in its programs a high degree of expertise relating to Chicano and Native American cultures and contemporary affairs. This kind of expertise is necessary for successful training, since even the most routine job-skill program should involve much more than the development of mere technical proficiency. Experience has shown, for example, that many Indians have been trained to be welders but have failed as human beings; that is, they have not been "trained" to live successfully as both Indians and welders in a complex, urbanized world. 
The university's philosophy, in brief, is that every training program must involve an ethno-cultural element to be truly successful, and that is an element which few (very few) existing training contractors know how (or desire) to provide. This university can provide that missing ingredient and key to success. 

2. Very few  existing training programs serving Indians and Chicanos (and almost none for Indians) have been developed by Indian-Chicano people. Very few contracting agencies are controlled by Indians and Chicanos. This university, in all frankness, proposes to break the near-monopoly of Anglo-Americans in this field by providing an instrument which is responsible to the people being served. And this is important not merely for psychological reasons (the overcoming of "powerlessness"; a fundamental problem of oppressed populations) but also because the economic development and advancement of the Indian-Chicano people is adversely affected by contracts which create a dollar-flow into the hands of Anglo-Americans often greater than the dollar flow which ostensibly will reach the trainees after the completion of their training. 
At the present time it is largely Anglo-American colleges, businesses and corporations who are benefiting form the operation of training programs, and, furthermore, it is primarily Anglo-American individuals who are being provided with experience (expertise) as instructors and managers. We propose to reverse that trend and to provide Native Americans and Mexican-Americans with experience, as well as with employment of dollars into Indian and Chicano communities. 

3. Most critics have agreed that a high percentage of previous training programs aimed at Indians and Chicanos have been only partially successful or, in some cases, clear cases of failure. This is not only because so many have been focused on single-skill acquisition (with no attention to ethnic history, liberal arts, general education, English language skills, etc.) but also because most, or many, of the instructors and program-planners have been ignorant of Chicano and Indian cultural patterns and values. This university will indeed be one of the very few places where (at present, at least) the cultures and values of Indian and Chicano people will be an ever present part of the curriculum and planning. 
In summary, we believe that Deganawidah-Quetzalcotl University can provide superior training services in a setting which the trainee can be exposed to a college situation allowing for broader-based experiences and the development of alternative career-options; can be immersed in training situations which will relate closely with the trainee's Chicano-Indian past and his Chicano-Indian future. 
In turn, such training programs will enhance the total program of the university by allowing for a more diverse student population, by providing a means for identifying students hwo  may possess the potential to pursue more advanced programs and by helping to keep the university in constant touch with the "grass-roots" people for whom, after all, this or any other university ultimately exists. 

4. Contracting for Theoretical and Applied Research and for Community Service by the University. 

A. General Philosophy
As stated earlier, the rationale for the existence of this university is to serve the Indian and Chicano people. For an educational institution service may take many forms aside from the formal classroom or laboratory instruction. Education means "to bring forth", that is, to bring into being new "knowledge" not only in the sense of presenting the already-discovered to those who are unaware of its existence. "Bringing forth" 'also refers to the awakening of the full potential of an individual.
This university regards the development of knowledge, the dissemination of knowledge, and the full development of individuals as fundamental aspects of its educational program. The areas of theoretical research, applied research, and community service (emphasizing dissemination of knowledge and skills) will, therefore, not be neglected but rather will be sought after. As resources allow, the university should make the entire hemisphere its campus.
The creation of this university will not be complete until "Indian Extension Service and a "Chicano Extension Service" reach out from the campus to the entire Native-American-Chicano people. the vital knowledge and skill needed to survive in this world, and to live as a fully-developed man in harmony with Life, cannot remain accessible only to the few. By and large, existing "extension"-type programs do not reach the Chicano and Indian people, however, we propose to erase that deficiency. 
Similarly, the long suppression of Indian-Chicano history and culture and the neglect of Indian religion, herbology, and ecological science must be overcome. Fundamental research must be carried out to reconstruct the past and to better live in the present. 
Research, both survey and applied, must also be carried out relative to the objective needs of contemporary Indian-Chicano people, emphasizing such areas as nutrition, infant mortality, alcoholism, poverty, employment, mental health, suicide, economic development, preventative medicine, etc.
Research and service will be emphasized at Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University for still other reasons. First,because students need to become involved in research and field training as part of their formal education. Secondly, because teaching in most fields cannot long be successful unless the teacher is periodically, or preferably continuously, a learner as well as a teacher. Research and field service are activities in which the professor becomes a learner or is brought into contact with the ncommunities he is ultimately responsible to. Finally, research is essential for the successful development of Native American Chicano studies. 

B. Possible Contracting or Granting Agencies for Research and Service 

1. California State Department of Education
2. California State Department of Corrections
3. California Council on Criminal Justice
4. Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development
5. Bureau of Indian Affairs
6. Office of Economic Opportunity
7. National Council on Indian Opportunity
8. Rosenberg Foundation
9. Ford Foundation
10. Van Lobensells Foundation
11. Hancock Foundation
12. Doris Duke Foundation 
13. Donner Foundation
14. Carnegie Foundation
15. U.S. Department of Labor 
16. U.S. Department of Commerce
17. U.S. Department of Agriculture
18. Instituto Interamericano Indigenista
19. Canadian Department of Indian Affairs
20. U.S. Civil Rights Commission
21. U.S. Office of Education

Conversations have taken place with manh of the above agencies. In all cases, the university staff have already developed proposals (or have the basic concepts in mind) which can be presented when physical facilities are available.
Needless to state, the amount of research money expended by the above agencies, relevant to Indians and Chicanos, reaches a multi-million dollar figure annually. This university can reasonably be expected to secure a substantial percentage of these funds since it will probably be the only Chicano-Indian oriented and controlled institution competing for the monies. 
It is expecially to be anticipated that the Bureau of Indian Affairs will cease funneling large amounts of research  money into the hands of whites and will instead use Indian-controlled agencies. This university will, of course, become a natural particpant in such contracting, as soon as the new B.I.A. policy is fully implemented.


1. Open Land -- The approximately 600 acres of open land, now in dry pasture, will be fully utilized by the university's various programs, as follows: