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TRIP TO WASHINGTON D.C. MADE BY SAN JOSE INDIAN CENTER CORE discuss the restructuring of the BIA so that the San Jose Indian Center might receive the contracts for services formerly handled (and still being handled this spring) by the BIA.  The team spent all day February 1 in Ernie Stevens' office.  He is Community Development director in Washington.  They went to numerous offices during the following two weeks...HEW, OEO, Public Health, offices of Senators--Cranston, McGovern, Edwards, Mondale.  Cranston had a joint meeting with the Core Team and the heads of OEO, BIA, etc. and asked what these department heads were prepared to commit to San Jose.

They came back with $22,000. with which to handle orientation, placement, and recreation services for March through July, at which time a decision will come down regarding contract services for the 71-72 fiscal year.  NAWAC members Winona Sample and Woesha Cloud North are Core Team participants.

THE URBAN INDIAN HEALTH BOARD has recently received great news!  There is the very real possibility for them to obtain the San Francisco Merchant Marine Hospital when it becomes surplus at the beginning of fiscal year 72-73.  Dr. Count Gibson at Stanford Medical School has offered his assistance to the Health Board and already telephoned Senator Edward Kennedy to ask that decisions be made regarding the hospital until the Health Board moves.

REGARDING MISUSE OF JOHNSON-O'MALLEY AND TITLE I FUNDS as cited in the report "An Even Chance" published by NAACP Legal Defense and the Educational Fund, Inc. (1971)--for ACTION send letters to:

Helen Schierbeck, Office of Education, Dept. of HEW, Washington, D.C.
George Scott, Acting Director of Education, BIA, Washington, D.C.
Forrest Gerard, Dept. of HEW, Washington, D.C.
James J. Wilson, OEO, Indian Desk, Washington, D.C.
Governor Ronald Reagan, State Capital, Sacramento, Ca.
Earl Old Person, Chairman NCAI, Browning, Montana
Frank Duchineaux, Exec. Dir. NCAI, 1346 Connecticut Ave., Suite 312, Washington, D.C.
Dorothy David, Treasurer NCIA, 2222 Independence Lane, No. 6, Madison, Wisconsin
Wilson Riles, Supt. of Public Instruction, Sacramento, Ca.

NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS is undertaking a huge fund raising campaign to cover their deficit.  Get your local organizations together to raise funds and do benefits.  Send money to Ray Paddock, Chrmn. Fund Raising Committee, NCAI, 1346 Connecticut Ave. NW, Wash. D.C. 20036.