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not only make us uncomfortable, unpleasant and unsuccessful temporarily, but by giving in to it, allowing ourselves to become permanently affected by it, we develop mental and physical ailments requiring years to cure. It is the aim of The Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company to lay a good foundation in the theories of beauty culture in these chapters. To grasp them, you must firmly resolve to banish worry, now and forever.


Cleanliness is without a doubt one of the most important contributors to human health. Not merely the frequent washing of the body, but internal cleanliness as well. Already we have discussed how invigorating is a daily bath. One of the really important things the bath does is to cleanse and unstop the skin pores, thus making it possible for the body to better throw off the ever accumulating waste. Have you ever stopped and considered why we perspire? It isn't one of those freakish things nature does without a purpose. Perspiration is a natural, healthy phenomena which is best promoted by keeping the skin clean and not too tightly covered. Performed normally it contributes its share to cleansing and beautifying the skin.

Internal cleanliness is realized by making sure we are not afflicted with blood or organic disease and by keeping our several organs, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, etc., in a healthy, active state and functioning normally. Many a case of unattractive skin, infested with bumps, splotches, blackheads, liver splotches etc. is caused by clogged, sluggish internal organs too derelict to evacuate the normal waste which then seeks to escape through the skin.

Proper evacuation of the kidneys and intestines as often as nature desires should be made a rule and strictly lived up to by beauticians everywhere because they are notorious for neglecting themselves in the rush hours of business. Should nature prove sluggish and indifferent, some mild laxative taken upon retiring at night will prove a timely aid and keep you fit.

Nature is a wonderful creature but is also a demanding one, which will tolerate neither neglect nor abuse. If you would be healthy and happy, do your utmost to cooperate with nature and keep yourself internally clean.

No up-to-date, respectable beautician would think of permitting odors to arise from her body. True it is natural to perspire



and most perspiration carries an odor, oft times exceedingly offensive, but with a host of deodorants on the market today none of which surpass Madam C. J. Walker's B-Sweet, there is positively no excuse for any one to have body odors. By a daily bath and the liberal use of B-Sweet the most obnoxious odor can be overcome.

And the clean uniform. Don't forget that it too will go a long way to help you be clean and free from odor and disease.

And your hair, skin and nails. Make certain that they are clean and attractively groomed at all times. Don't allow your customer to suspect that you are harboring germs in your untidy, foul smelling coiffure, your mottley complexion and your dirt-laden finger nails. Remember you are a beautician and will want to be a symbol of Beauty. More about this in the chapter on Shop Management.


Books and books could be written about this invisible, intangible attribute that counts so much in our getting on in the world today. We would say that next to proficiency in all the arts of beauty culture, the next great need for success as a beautician is the need for personality. It can help solve all your problems.

Strangely enough Personality costs nothing and yet is possessed in appreciable, distinctive, pleasant amounts by so few. Everyone is not born with an engaging, attractive personality but by self training and self control every one can acquire one.

What is personality, anyway? It is the YOU of you. How you dress, how you walk, how you smile, how you speak, how you eat, sleep, live from day to day. Strange isn't it? But there you are. It is just that. Simple enough, but hard sometimes to fit to the pattern of our individual surroundings. Yet if we would succeed in life, have the power to make things come to pass we must develop a personality that makes people enjoy our acquaintance and have pleasure in our association. With this will come respect, influence, power, means and money.

Of course every one possesses a personality, some individual traits that seem to characterize them. There are various types of personalities: good, bad, and indifferent, so to speak. We will not attempt to analyze and describe the several types here. Since we are chiefly concerned with pointing out to you how your personality contributes to beauty and your general well being, it is