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FIRST CLASS: Letters and all matter wholly or partly in writing, or typewriting or carbon copies, whether sealed or unsealed; also all matter sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, except under special permission with approved label. Dealers and manufacturers may include a single invoice at 45th Class Rates.

Rate 3 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof, EXCEPT LOCAL.

Rate 2 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof for LOCAL DELIVERY.

Post cards and postal cards 1 cent each. Double postal cards 2 cents each--1 cent on each portion.

SECOND CLASS: (Transient rate) Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals containing notice of second-class entry, 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction of two ounces, except when postage at fourth class rate is lower.
THIRD CLASS: (Limit 8 ounces). Circulars and other miscellaneous printed matter, also merchandise, 11/2 cents for each 2 ounces.  Books (including catalogs) of 24 pages or more, covers included, of which 22 pages must be printed; seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions and plants, 1 cent for each 2 ounces.
FOURTH CLASS-PARCEL POST: (over 8 ozs.). Merchandise, books, printed matter, and all other mailable matter not in first or second class.

[first column]
First Lb. (Incl. 2c serv. charge)
Local...... 7c
1&2       50- 150 mi ....8c
  3      150- 300 mi ....9c
  4      300- 600 mi ...I0c
  5      600-1000 mi ...IIc
  6     1000-1400 mi ...I2c
  7     1400-1800 mi ...I4c
  8    1800 and over ...I5c

[second column]
Additional Lbs.
Ic  ea.  2 lbs.
I.Ic ea. I lb.
3.5c ea. I lb.
7c ea.   I lb.
9c ea.   I lb.
IIc ea.  I lb.

Note: Each fractional part of one cent requires full one cent postage. Alaska, Hawaiian and Philippine Islands:The eight zone rate applies: (I) between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands; (2) between any two points in Alaska and between any point in Alaska and any other point in the United states; (3) between the United States and the Canal Zone; (4) between the United States and the Philippine Islands; (5) to, from, or between Guam, Tutuila, and Manua and other islands of the Samoan group east longitude 171 west of Greenwich, and the United States and its other possessions; (6) between the United Stats and its naval vessels stationed in foreign waters and other places where United States mail service is in operation. Return address must be on all Parcel Post matter and should be on all mail matter.


SPECIAL CATALOG RATES: The rate of postage on individually addressed catalogues and similar printed advertising matter in bound form, consisting of 24 or more pages and not exceeding 10 lbs. in weight, is:

[[9 columned table]]
|Zones|Local|1st & 2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|First lb.|4c|4c|5c|6c|7c|8c|9c|10c|
|Ea. Add'l lb.|1/2c|1c|2c|3c|4c|5c|6c|7c|
[[/9 columned table]]

SPECIAL BOOK RATE: Until July 1, 1941 (and thereafter if renewed), the rate of postage on permanently bound volumes of books containing no advertising or other impermissible matter will be 1 1/2c for each lb. or fraction thereof. Books so mailed may be sent insured or C.O.D., and those up to 8 ounces may be registered. They may also be sent as Special Delivery or Special Handling. 


[[2 columned table]]
|Rates on First Class Mail--|Rates on all other classes--|
| --- | ---|
|2 lbs. or less........... Dec 14 10c|2 lbs. or less...........15c|
|2 to 10 lbs............20c|2 to 10 lbs............25c|
|Over 10 lbs............25c|Over 10 lbs............35c|
[[/2 columned table]]

All Special Delivery mail must be so marked. Special Delivery includes Special Handling. Both are accorded same treatment as first class mail. Special Delivery fee for Foreign Countries is 20 cents. Special Handling Rates (Fourth Class only): 2 lbs. or less, 10c; 2 to 10 lbs., 15c; over 10 lbs., 20c. Special Handling does not include Special Delivery.

REGISTERED MAIL: The minimum fee is 15 cents for valuation not to exceed $5.00. The fee graduates according to value up to a fee of $1.00 for a valuation of $1000.00. Actual value must be declared and fee paid on actual value.

INSURANCE FEES (Return Receipts 3c extra) are as follows:
[2 columned list]] [[column 1]]
Valuation up to $5.00........ 5c
Above $5.00 up to $25.00......10c
Above $25.00 up to $50.00.....15c

[[column 2]]
Above $50.00 up to $100.00..25c
Above $100.00 up to $150.00..30c
Above $150.00 up to $200.00..35c
[[/2 columned list]]


WHAT CAN BE MAILED: Any matter acceptable in the regular mails unless liable to damage from freezing.

WHERE TO MAIL: Air Mail should be deposited in Post Office or boxes designated to insure dispatch. Inquire at Post Office for information as to time of dispatch to Air Field.

SPECIAL STAMPS: The public is urged to use the special Air Mail stamps, but ordinary postage may be used. Air Mail and Special Delivery Stamps are not accepted for other than use specified.