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December 22 Tuesday

Fair & very cold. Snow is still there - kids are still sledding. I went to school & took my lunch & 3 Christmas presents for Doris Chichester, Carol Swain, & Patsy Birge, I took Rita Rosenfelt's yesterday & cards. I left whole bag on streetcar! When I got to school I called up Capital Transit Street Car & Bus Co. but it hadn't been turned in. So at study hall after lunch I called up again - it was there!  I gave Rita her present at lunch. She is going to New York City to see her Mother & Father tomorrow she stays with her cousins here - came to America from Belgium 2 yrs. ago. She will be back in time for school. Classes were shorter than last week (opens at 10:00 instead of 9:30). After school I took streetcar to Streetcar Barn (about Wisconsin & Harrison Sts.) & got my package - lunch was missing. Then rode home & stopped at Dolores to 
[[right margin going upwards from bottom]] 
see if she can go to school with me tomorrow - she ^
[[/right margin continued onto top margin]]
got off from school last Thurs. She wanted to but didn't think she could - 
[[/right margin continued onto top margin]]
[[right margin]]
but not sure. I didn't have much [[conversation?]]
[[/right margin]]

[[right page]]

December 23 Wednesday

Cloudy & fair lter. I went to school. I took other 3 present & all cards tp school & gave all out but 3 cards - those 2 weren't her. I had hoped Dolores would come but she didn't. In the morning, we  went after section to 1st period - teacher wasn't there so we did nothing. At 10:45 we went to Christmas Assembly in auditorium. Nice - singing & devotionals & square dncing & presention [[presentation]] of alumli [[alumni]] & retired teacher - Mr. Newton & his wife. Given silver earring set & subscription to Breeze as long as he lives - our & page school paper. This lasted til lunch & then we ate. I gave Carol her present & she gave me a book "Mystery at High Hedges" by Edith Bishop Sherman - red & rather good - I started it. I got out of study hall - Mcfearson - horrible little old teacher. Once I put an icecream in her trashcan ___..... & I went to German club where I read 9 jokes & riddles combined & pd. 10ยข by2 pieces of cake & icecream & everybody did 
right margin]]something & played games - lasted til end of 4th period (German)^ [[/right margin]]
[[top margin]] & wewent to 5th period - Hardly anyone at school then - practically everyone skipped. So [[/top margin]]
[[left margin]] The Eng teacher: Miss Connell (nice teacher) let us out & I started home [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
The writing on left page begins at the "8:00 line". When it gets to the bottom of page, it goes up right margin to top, then along top margin left to right, then down right margin again.