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[[top margin]] WAR NEWS - DARLAN, Frene [[FRENCH]] LEADER is [[image:arrow]] ASSASINATED [[arrow to bottom of page]] [[/top margin]] 

He turned over French North Africa to the Allies. 'General Giraud (pron. "giro") will probably take his [[right margin]] place. A 22 yr. old French [[strikethrough]] dot [[/strikethrough]] - Italian killed him & is to be shot before ↑ [/right margin]]
[[top margin upside down]]
the general's funeral.
[[/top margin upside down]]

Cloudy + very warm out (41°). I had a little cold so when Mother went down town, I stayed in. I strung cranberries for tree, dusted house, cleaned out Dad's drawers (he has more socks - 11 prs. he will get for Christmas, 8 prs. brand new he has & about 15 prs. older + 25 prs. so full of holes I don't see how he wears them) I did practicing (piano) + Carolyn came over. I gave her [[strikethrough]] her bok [[/strikethrough]] a mystery book + she gave me [[strikethrough]]my [[/strikethrough]] 2 pretty hankies. After lunch I strung more cranberries. (Mother got them down town) & did a little homework & did my nails with new polish - very dark reddish pink. My nails are quite long. After supper when Dad got home we put up tree + decorated it. Before he got home I wrapped his & Mother's presents, listened to radio, had a 1 hr. nap, & burned the cranberry sauce. 

[[right page]]
[[top margin]] $$$ WAR BOND [/top margin]]


ToDAY is the Birthday of Christ

Cloudy + misty + warm.
I got up & opened my stocking before breakfast. On paper is all I got in stocking + elsewhere. but
I got $4.00 in stocking (silver dollars!) So I have $18.75 for my war bond now! I got a mahogany finished vanity + mirror!! (about $30.00!) All morning I stayed home, Dad screwed big square mirror in vanity & put it by window (where trunk was) in my room. I put a lot of things in the drawers & my perfume, etc. on top. It is awfully pretty. I am going to embroidery a cloth to put on it. In the afternoon I saw Peggy & gave her her present (she said mine was coming) I saw her new sister - 4 wks old!
Then I stayed with Dolores rest of the afternoon & watched baby - is he spoiled - the "little brat" cried [[strikethrough]]  all the time. She gave me my present & came up to see my vanity. She has a cold too.
We had a 13 lb turkey! good.

Transcription Notes:
The headline in top margin of left page is followed by a long arrow down the right margin to the page bottom writing beginning on line labelled "7:30". This writing then continues up the right margin again to the top and then to upside down writing on the line labelled "ToDAY is the Birthday of".