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and presentation, using as a case study the National Air and Space Museum's special exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.

National Museum of the American Indian National Campaign

The National Museum of the American Indian National Campaign has raised $17,704,217 through July 1, 1994.  Recent major gifts include $1,000,000 from the George Gund Foundation, and $500,000 from the Eugene and Clare Thaw Charitable Trust.

The National Campaign has recently welcomed two new members, Ellen Napiura Taubman and William S. Taubman, it its International Founders Council (IFC).  Ms. Taubman heads the department of American Indian Art at the international auction house Sotheby's, a position she has held since forming the department in 1976.  Mr. Taubman is Senior Vice President for Acquisitions with The Taubman Company, a firm that develops real estate and operates regional shopping centers.  The IFC now includes 26 individuals.

The number of current members of the National Museum of the American Indian is 71,939.  The program has generated $4.2 million in funds dedicated to the construction of the Museum.

Status of the Plans for the 150th Anniversary

Planning for the Smithsonian's sesquicentennial anniversary in 1996 progressed during the spring with the consolidation of marketing, program, and community plans into a comprehensive strategic document.  The overall plan was presented to the Secretary and the Under Secretary on May 17th and is being discussed with Secretary-elect Heyman.

The Smithsonian National Board received a presentation at its April meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, about the marketing of the 150th and reiterated its supportive assistance for a strong marketing effort.  Major corporations whose own histories offer linkages with the founding of the Institution are being asked for program support.  Another marketing idea being pursued is the minting of a coin for the Smithsonian's 150th.  Smithsonian officials have begun to explore required legislative steps and collaboration with the numismatic community to ensure the success of an American-minted coin.

Visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan

Japanese Emperor Akihito visited the Freer Gallery of Art and the National Museum of Natural History in June.  Accompanied by Empress Michiko during his visit to the Freer, the Emperor viewed paintings recently conserved in Japan, and chatted with Japanese conservators working in the Freer Conservation studio.  Emperor Akihito is a publishing researcher, specializing in studies of the Goby family fishes.  At his visit to the Museum of Natural History, specimens were on view for his examination.  An early scientific illustration of a Goby species found only in Japanese waters was presented to the Emperor by Fish Division Curatorial staff.  Presented to the Japanese Embassy were a specimen of Smithsonite for the Emperor, and a Navajo rug for the Empress, a devotee of traditional weaving.

James Conaway's Book on Smithsonian History

James Conaway, a free-lance writer based in Washington, D.C., has completed a manuscript for The Smithsonian to the establishment of the National Museum of the American Indian, the book will