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MINNIE: Those little yellow pamphlets. My very first
MRS STARR: The big collection?
MINNIE: Ah-hah. The big collection of little, big,
yellow--the very first ones.
MRS Starr: Yes.
MINNIE: Well, those were the ones. I couldn't do anything at all unless I kept them with me. So on
this particular night we had company and showing
them to this man was there, I forgot and left
them home on the dresser, not thinking. When I
carried the pocketbook I thought I had them
with me. And I didn't miss 'em the first time,
so when I got there and started to the door I
heard her husband beating on a tom-tom, something,
and lots of people standing all around,
and I heard him announce, "Madam Tula--" something.
And I said, "Oh, here's that lady. I'm
going here and let her tell me something 'bout
my pictures." And I opened (coughs) my purse--
MRS STARR: Just wait a minute.
MINNIE: And I opened my purse and I didn't' have them. I said, "My, I haven't got them. I'll have to
go back home and get them." I'd started on out.
Something spoke to me, says, "If she can tell you
anything, she can tell you as much without them
as she can with them." So to my surprise, I went
right on in there. The place was crowded. And
what seems so funny, when I walked up there,
everybody moved out of the way and let me go get
through to the front. Why they paid so much 
attention to me I don't know. As I went on