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noise?" Said, "No, I'd heard nothin'." Well, we got up and sit up there and I said, "Well, I'll start to fix you some breakfast." He said, "Mighty early." But I went back there to the living room and sat down there and finished that little place that I have--
MRS STARR: In the picture?
MINNIE: And when I finished that, I cannot tell nobody the load that got off of me. What I felt like. Now, that picture, that last little picture that I put there was--well, that's a long story. I can't hardly get-- I don't think I can get that--
MRS STARR: Want to rest a little while?
MINNIE: You know that goes with that--when I was tell you about--this Fu Manchu? 
MRS STARR: Oh, yes...yes...yes...
MINNIE: Well, in that picture--
MRS STARR: Would you like to rest a little bit?
MINNIE: I'll see--we'll see. Now, of course that Fu Manchu picture-- You know, I told you about that the other day--
MRS STARR: Yes--yes--
MINNIE: but you say you didn't get it. It wouldn't catch.
MRS STARR: No, I didn't say that.
MINNIE: Didn't you? I thought you say it didn't catch on the--
MR STARR: On the machine.
MRS STARR: Oh--oh--oh. I didn't get it on the machine.
MINNIE: On that. That's what I'm talking about. You didn't get it on that.