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And particularly within myself. I went on up the street, went on down Front Street, down to Front and Grace. And there I stood upon the corner. I think I had 60ยข. That was all the money I had. And I went on across the street again. I started to go into the Bijou. Hello Said, "No." I didn't want to go in there. I come on and went clean back down to the Bailey. I started in there, said, "No." So when I come--when I come back there and stood up on the corner of Princess and Front Streets, I said to myself, "Why am I walking up and down this street? This time with nothing and what on earth is the matter?" Then I went on across the street and went on down where the theater by the name of the Royale. I give the lady a quarter and went right on upstairs and sat down. I didn't look to see what the subject of the picture was or anything. Nothing! But when I [[strikeout]] sat [[/strikeout]] got in there, the middle of the picture, there was four Chinamans scaling a wall. They was walking the telegraph wires, between themselves, holding that wire, these four baldheaded Chinamans. And when they got over this wall, then they dropped down on this wall and went down a thing. Now, whatever it is, there is someone in Hollywood is contacting my pictures, or I am contacting them with some kind of something. A story runs in together. Now the movies--Hollywood--they put out this picture--America, Russia, England, and China-- somewhere in India, in the mountains, there is a hidden tomb. Now it's over there. Now they--whoever that was that made that picture--that's what they put that picture. But just as sure as I'm here, that scepter (sic) is over there. A hidden tomb, somewhere in some of those mountains