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at the pictures, and I say to him, I said, "Do these--do this stuff, thing here, do they match that up there?" And he looked at it. Then he went to talkin' right out. "Yes, yes, lady. Where you get it? What is it? What is it?" "Sh-h-h-h," I say, "you can't talk in the movies like that." "But, lady, where'd it come from? What is it?" I say, "It's a story in my life," I say. "Where you live?" I didn't have time, because he had to get out and go to work. And he went runnin' down, said, when he come back up, he said, "I wish I knowed where you stayed. I'd come." And-- They all just alike. So-- Fu Manchu's servant, one of those Chinamans, they got--they got that tablestone. So they got that tablestone. But as he rushed out of the door, side door, one of the detectives run behind him and shot him. When he fell--this is--the movie put this out--when he fell, he fell flat on his face and that threw that tablestone in a puddle of mud. And as he went to get it, Fu Manchu reached down and and got the stone and left. And that left the print of the stone in the mud. And this man took off his coat and threw it over that, so they got a cast, because during that time it had came up a dreadful storm, lightnin and rain. So--It doesn't show the picture when they made the cast, whatever, but it does show when these (unintelligible) America and Russia and England, they all went over there to India and the American soldiers, a lieutenant whoever he was, has taken his--had taken thaat--his stone, because it was a cast and it was new, it was not old like the other, and put it in there, but it matched. So Fu Manchu and his daughter and two or three more of his soldiers throw guns on those