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live a life and a way and my whole way, that nothing between come between me and my savior. I pass all little obstacles, all little things that would be crosses, I pass them by. I turn my back on them. So those men might think, you know-- I think it's the best way for all of us to do. It saves so much trouble. Because so many times I have heard tell of so much trouble. And then we hear of the trouble. So what cause it? They couldn't even get a foundation. What was the cause of it? So, therefore, that's why I try to live the life that I do. Because, I tell them, I've got something to do, you know. God has given me this to do. So I don't have time to fool with other things that's not worth anything. So--that's the reason why. But that beautiful dream that God spoke to me. And I've had lots and lots of other dreams but I didn't write them down or didn't try to paint them. And more than a dozen times I've seen the most beautifulest cities in the sky. Just beautiful cities of rainbow colors. Now we dreams, we talk of heaven, we think everything is going to be white. But I believe that we're going to have the beautiful rainbow colors. That's my belief. And, of course, we know, so the Bible says, in Genesis, that after the flood God sent a beautiful rainbow to Noah that has never been seen before. But--I don't know--some things, I don't know whether I need to tell them or not. Some things, I think, be better if I keep a little to-- (laughs) --keep a little bit of it to myself. But, really, in mornings I have laid up in my bed, looking out the windows before I get up and see beautiful clouds. Rainbows come on those clouds. I sit