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[[strikethrough]] 58. [[strikethrough]]


MINNIE: But people is goin' to doubt such a thing as that.

MRS STARR: Yes. You're right, they will.

MINNIE: What say?

MRS STARR: They will doubt it. Yes, they will.



MINNIE: People's gonna doubt such a thing as that. The great invasion of the war was not gonna happen until then. But she told me that. She said it was not going to until I drew that picture.

MRS STARR: Do you--do you have any of your pictures in your room?

MINNIE: No, mam.

MRS STARR: Why not?

MINNIE:  (Coughs) Oh, some of those little small pictures, I keep [[underline]] them, [[/underline]] because I been drawin' them every day.

MRS STARR: But I didn't see any pictures that you've done on any of the walls in your room.

MINNIE: Oh--oh--

MRS STARR: Do you have any in your own room?

MINNIE: No, mam.

MRS STARR: Do you have a room all by yourself?

MINNIE: I have one in the dining room there I drew, that I painted.

MRS STARR: On the wall? I didn't see it. What's it of?

MINNIE: Well-- Well, I guess though maybe you didn't know it. But I have that in there. But none-- Now,