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[[strikethrough]] 61. [[/strikethrough]] 54

MRS STARR: Can you tell me anything about the eyes? The eyes in your pictures?

MINNIE: The eyes? (Coughs) I don't know why eyes. Only thing, I had a-- Well, I don't know, that doesn't sound interestin' to anyone to tell that. I--I've had someone to tell me something about the interpretation of the eyes. But--

MRS STARR: Well, I'd like-- I want to try to help you with your interpretation, so if you could tell me anything--

MINNIE: I don't know whether that would be necessary. Eyes would represent the eyes of God. But--I don't know whether that would be--whether that would sound to people or not-- It wouldn't.

MRS STARR: Well, do you think that they represent the eyes of God?

MINNIE: I don't know. I don't think-- I don't-- I don't have any-- I hate to dispute it. I hate to try to answer myself any questions. Because I can't evaluate it. That's all to say to answer myself any questions about what it is or why. But I do know its something, it's something great. More than I can interpret or more than I can tell, too. And I hope the world will--people will find out--and lots of people--well, we goin' to find out a lot of things and lots of people is going to agree and some of them are goin' to disagree and all of that kind of thing. Of course, they do that with everything.

MRS STARR: That's right.

MINNIE: (Laughs) They do that with everything. Some agree and some disagree. It would be a terrible world if it wasn't, wouldn't it?