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Feb '62
[[strikethrough]] Tape No. 4 [[/strikethrough]]

MINNIE: ...I just seen those prophets in the air. But-- And they sang a beautiful song to me, not that I could understand any of their words, but it was the most beautifulest song I have ever heard. And I just stood there and smiled and looked up there and they just--they stayed there a good while, and they was singing and waving and they were talking or saying something to each other. Looked like the[[strikethrough]]y[[/strikethrough]]re might have been a lot of feathers blowing, blowing, you know--


MINNIE: Turnin' all over and over to each other.


MINNIE: And-- So after while they all got together and started off and the last one that stayed, before he w[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]ent up, he dropped his hand down and waved by-by to me and went right on up--in the air. But not any words that I understood, you know, what they said or even the song. But the beautifulest song--

MRS STARR: Yes, yes.

MINNIE: --that they sang. Very beautiful.

MRS STARR: When did you make the picture?

MINNIE: Oh I started on the picture the next--the next day I started on it, because I didn't want any of it to leave me. But they wasn't any words whatever. The song had words to it, but I couldn't