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[[strikethrough]] 45. [[strikethrough]] 59

MRS STARR: Minnie, I notice in your drawings and your paintings, there are hardly any colored people. Do you dream--


MRS STARR: --about colored people?

MINNIE: Well, I dream about-- No, I don't dream about them. But I think where that comes in at is just the kind of crayon I use. If I would let it--if I didn't scrape it off and let it stay there, they would be color. But I scrapes that off and when I-- It gives the appearance of all white. I don't think it would make any difference because white isn't goin' to make me what I am.

MRS STARR: No. But--

MINNIE: (Laughs)

MRS STARR: In your dreams--in your dreams, are they--

MINNIE: I don't every have any dreams--of them.

MRS STARR: You don't?

MINNIE: That's the truth.


MINNIE: All of them, they--all my first that I ever started thinking to put out, I have a lot of dreams about China.


MINNIE: Lots of dreams about the Chinamans. I don't know why, but-- I haven't had any dreams of them though in a long time. But when I first started, all those little pictures here I put out first started in China. And--

MRS STARR: Was that before you saw the movie of Fu Manchu?