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April 19[[strikethrough]]70[[/strikethrough]]69



N.H.S. Have you ever seen a lion? Have you ever seen a live lion?

M.E. Oh, yes. I've seen live lions lots of times, at circuses. But afterwards I used real thin paper. The paper real thin.

N.H.S. Does that stick better? The real thin paper does it stick better?

M.E. It sticks on because the paper was thin.

N.H.S. Yes, yes.

M.E. that I painted it on. So it wouldn't budge you know.

N.H.S. Why did you put those claws down there? Do you remember? The lions' claws?

M.E. I don't know why I did it but it just come to me to do that like it was the lion's paw (laughter).

N.H.S. I like those angels with the wings of butterflies. The angels' wings are butterflies down on the lower

M.E. That's what I would, why I put butterflies on my pictures. Sometime I have to. I think sometime, once upon a time some nation what you call idolized butterflies. We've had girls and boys that I dream, that I read about that has made a fortune on butterflies and you know I think some nations or other just looked after butterflies as being a lucky something or another. 

N.H.S. Now we have another painting with lions on it. A large 20x24 painting.with two lions. One on each side and at the bottom are some swans in a beautiful pool. Can you tell me is that the same dream or a different dream?

M.E. Now, say that again.


M.E. Cut that off again. My ears hurt. I can't ever make two pictures alike you know. And I don't which the other one looked more like the other lion but it's the same dream. It's different and I made a different picture with the twelve stars and I have been thinking about making another. I don't know why but when it comes to me and it keep worrying me about to go and paint a picture then I got to do something about it.