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April 19[[strikethrough]]70[[strikethrough]]69


M.E. Drawings, yes. These little drawings are very funny and my church members thought funny of me about them. Some of them didn't see any sense in it. I didn't either but I had it to do. I left them home one day. I kept them in an old pocketbook and kept them with me and I had to go back home and get them. My husband thought it was funny. He didn't understand it. I had a neighbor, her name was Mrs. Smith, and her daughters they were my friends. They could see into it. Even now Lawyer George Rountree, Frank Griffin (Durfin?) he and his father-in-law couldn't see into it, but they told him to let me be off. Don't bother with me because I had something on me that nobody could handle but God, but He decided. He said I was acting funny and he thought

N.H.S. You mean your husband? Your husband

M.E. Yes. He thought I was acting funny. He thought I was going crazy. He went to my Pastor Rev. S. T. Durham and was almost crying. He says that there's nothing the matter with your wife. Just leave her off. But she's acting funny. I'm afraid she's going to the 'sylum (laughter).

N.H.S. He said you were going to the what?

M.E. My husband thought I was going to the 'sylum. Crazy.

N.H.S. To the 'sylum?

M.E. He thought I was acting funny. He thought I was acting funny (laughter) and I didn't want to go any where. I just wanted to stay home and draw and paint. They couldn't see what I see. Then I was having dreams of pictures. The whole entire element was joined together with paintings. Just as far as I could see. The north, the south, from east to west and then I had another dream with them. They were all in my yard, standing all up against the trees and leaning all against the limbs were pictures and after I would have these dreams the next day I would be so tired and so I was just worried.

N.H.S. Tell me about Mr. Corbett who comes to your

M.E. Some of the pictures he sees he tell me what they represent. Like this he says Minnie this blue, he says you see life as truth. The red, he says, represent love in all of the pictures. He could tell me about that red and what it all,