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June 21, 1972


M.E. Julius, my husband. He tried to get me to stop painting. He had mama talking to me and all like that. Minnie's going crazy. She's funny so I - when got up that morning and told him about the ants' wedding. 'I know you going crazy' (laughter). Julius say don't you never tell nobody nothing like that. Don't you. You forget about it (laughter).

N.H.S. He said that?

M.E. 'Ah, don't you do it.' I said why Julius? It's just a dream. I dreamt it. 'Nobody dreams those dreams like that except someone crazy.' (laughter). And he call me crazy. My, my, my, I don't know what I'm going to do. He said Minnie done gone (laughter) done gone dreaming about ants (laughter) and I can imagine I see it now.

N.H.S. You still remember?

M.E. That's right. I can imagine and I wasying if I get a chance I'll get George to take me down there. I'm going to see. I'm going to that spot.

N.H.S. Down where?

M.E. I'm going to that spot. Right where that tree was. Because it fell down rotten up and see if I can see it. I know exactly where the spot is.

N.H.S. Is that in Wrightsville Beach?

M.E. What say?

N.H.S. Is it near here?

M.E. No, it further down in the park where we were living then.

N.H.S. Maybe you could take me there. Could you take me to the park?

M.E. No I can't. They got the place all tore up and they cutting all in there. They got it fenced in so nobody can't get in but people hauling the wood out. They are cleaning it up. 

N.H.S. Well you couldn't go see the log could you?

M.E. No (laughter). I would love to but I don't know if I could get down there. They got. Might get down there and get hemmed up