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June 21, 1972


down in there. (N.H.S. Yes) You know down in them woods

N.H.S. Get what you say?

M.E. What's say?

N.H.S. Say what happen.

M.E. You might get hemmed up. The people cutting trees down there. 

N.H.S. Oh, oh.

M.E. There's a whole lot of logs, big trucks getting them logs and things out.

N.H.S. Well, I don't believe you could find your log.

M.E. I'm going to try and find it. I know exactly where the spot is. Where the tree fell. I'm going to try it. I was thinking about it the other day. I'm going to try to find it. I'm going to see if I can find it (laughter) the ants' wedding.


N.H.S. What did you say you tried?

M.E. I say I tried to stop (N.H.S. Yes) but I went a whole week without painting any and I liked to went crazy and nobody know. I was in a terrible condition (N.H.S. Aah) very bad. I had the worse - I had all kind of dreams. I dreamt the whole sky, the whole element was nothing but pictures put together like this. The whole just as far as I could see. They were all in the yard. They was all on the bushes. All on the trees they were pictures. And in the daytime I dreamt I saw that. Then I got to wondering what happened to me. I laid down that morning. I had swept out the house. I had swept my living room and the bedroom and swept the dirt right in the middle of the kitchen and then I got, I got right numb, funny when I went in the bedroom and David had stayed there. He had come home and I fell across the bed . That was around or near 8:30 in the morning. When I woke up and I thought I had just went to sleep. When I woke up the sun was over here and I was frightened to death. I said what's the matter? Why is the sun way over here? And then I went out on the front porch. Everything I looked at was rainbow. Different colors, everything. Then I went out on the back and know that's the time that