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p. 103

June 21, 1972


M.E. with these pictures coming off there first. So I just had to lay around 'til he sent for his friend in New York to come down there to look at all my paintings.

N.H.S. Who was that?

M.E. His name was Lawyer McCloury from New York. Was his friend. A close friend.

N.H.S. Yes.

M.E. He had him to come from here from New York. Down here to look at my work and I had them set up there to look until after eleven o'clock, sitting down there talking.

N.H.S. Where was this? At Lawyer Roundtree's?

M.E. What say?

N.H.S. Whereabouts?

M.E. Down there. He was living down there on the Sound. Down there on Summers' Rest then he and his wife.

N.H.S. You mean Mr. Rountree?

M.E. Say what?

N.H.S. Mr. Rountree you mean?

M.E. Yes, Mr. Rountree. Anway so we sat down there and we talked and oh, I don't know. I think we talked so much with so many people. Some old ladies came down there, Mrs. Latimer, old Mr. Herbert Latimer's aunt and they drove a car in Airlie. They had two or three other ladies with them. So's one of the ladies say, 'So why don't some of these people do something about you and these pictures?' She said why don't they? I said I don't know. So another lady say, 'Maybe it's not time.' Say, it isn't time yet. Say you knows it. I say yes. She say now what they going to do. They going to be just like a hen with her brood of chickens when a hawk comes around afluffa, flufa (laughter). That's why I got there such a ugly picture on them folders. Talking about ugly! I'm the ugliest thing! Miss Kallenborn she wrote that piece and the man and that press came here early that morning. Got me out the bed and sleep wasn't out of my eyes and I was setting over there and he came right there.