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Thick paint tree

June 22, 1972


body would have the sense like you. What they would think you were funny and they would put you to a stake and burn you up.

N.H.S. Who told you that?

M.E. I don't know, a man. A lots of people tell me things you know - talking like that. In those days you know way back over a hundred years ago the people were funny. They didn't take things like - What's that? (referring to clouds) an airplaine or what is that thing a going there? I'd say a horse. It looks - I can't see it looks like a race horse.

V. CRAIG: It looks like a streak. Some kind of a streak.

M.E. The children been down there playing.

N.H.S. Tell us about it. Tell us about making that tree.

V. CRAIG: How did you make it?

M.E. I get paint buckets. Any kind of paint buckets and scrape the paint out of them and come in and stir the paint up some time with turpentine until I got it soft enough and pat it on the tree limbs and the different things like that and then I would have to put it aside and let it stay until it would get dry and hard and so it would take a long time you know for it to get dry. Sometime I would stick a pin down through it to see if it was hard and sometime I could stick the pin in there and the pin would bend and I would say oh it's hard enough. Then I would try over it again. So I just kept on doing that until I got that big old tree. I did it about, I bet I had about two gallons of paint in it altogether. T'was so heavy. (N.H.S. It's very heavy.)


...He is my portion 
My constant friend is He.
His eye is on the sparrow 
and I know He watches me.
His eye is on the sparrow 
and I know He watches me. 

I sing because I'm happy.
I sing because I am free.
His eye is on the sparrow