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June 22, 1972


Minnie Evans

or the other at me. I say what is you doing? talking about what you see? I don't know what the woman's name now was sitting down there. Now she says you let that child alone. You don't know what's in her. I said no. Well you let her alone and she would play awhile and look in the sky to see and at night her grandma said she was in her bed. After she put her in the bed and she would be kicking and crying and say what's the matter? She'd say I can't sleep. I can't sleep. She say as soon as she would doze off she said two or three old men would have her and this one would throw her to that one and the other one would throw her to the other one and say, "You needn't be afraid. We ain't gonna let you fall." and just throwing and pitching her like that til grandma then taken her up and put her in her bed behind her and she would get close up under grandma.

N.H.S. Was that your mother? Your mother or your grandmother?

Mrs. Kelly: Grandma.

N.H.S. Your grandmother?

Mrs. Kelly: Yes, and so she say she be sitting down in school and instead of studying her lesson she be nodin and the teacher asked her what the matter and she told her what was the matter and so she got at grandma and them about it, couldn't they do something for her. She say she just couldn't rest things picking at her, picking at her, and when she be out playing she'd suddenly take attention and be looking in the sky seeing things and the children be laughing at her. She say well I see it all and she'd see in the sky growing, growing, and some nights now she don't rest. Then I gets at her and give her a Nightal, Nervine and stuff to get her to sleep, to rest and I say then in the morning when time to get up she'd be just getting her rest good. I said I'd be glad when you close up that devilish old gate and then you can lay down and sleep. She don't sleep good in the night and in the mornings you can sleep and get your rest like that but her whole life ain't never been like it should. Before and say she was down yonder and they had her looking and saying she was walking I don't know what all. She said.that the Lord was talking to her and say that was six o'clock. I mean the children leaves, it be eight o'clock to come on to school and she was walking and