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p. 120

July 21, 1973

Minnie Evans


M.E. He has bad spasms with that stomach

N.H.S. Aaah!

M.E. So me and him together hold heads together in prayer

N.H.S. You do? You and George?

M.E. My George, yes (laughter). Yes things come up me and him get get together. George. We set a time to pray. He and I. I'd say George, 'Mama's praying' and he would say, 'Mama, I know.' Any little thing come up in what he wanted we'd just set a time to pray. I'm telling you. So we have faith. Faith in prayer. I've prayed, you know I prayed for you (laughter).

N.H.S. Oh! thank you.

M.E. I prayed. I'd say George, Mrs. Starr is sick. So I asked him you and me, you and I, let's pray for Miss Starr. So, alright mama. So when I heard telling the good news of getting much better, oh! my. It's prayer in having other things you have to have faith in God and we can't pray today and get angry and do things tomorrow. We got to keep in that straight and narrow path. That's what to have. I tells my children, I say we got to, I say I can't do it for you all. I say I have to pray, keeping that straight and narrow path and ask God to please, please Sir keep his loving arms and protection around us, from all sin, from hurt, harm and danger. We got to have faith. We got to have prayer. There is nothing in the world, nothing in the world ahead of prayer. Prayer is the key of heaven and faith unlocks the door (laughter). (Unintelligible) I tell him no. I pray. I get up every morning at 4 and 4:30 and 5 o'clock every morning. I wake up and talk to the Lord. Yes i have talked to Him (chuckles). So I don't worry about these pictures. Now I have so many people come in and tell me about ooh! you ought to be richer. I say, I ain't worried about no rich. I ain't worried about nothing. Ain't but one thing I'm worrying about, not a thing, but that meeting my heavenly father when done with this sin fine world. Cause I can't carry a thing with me. We can't carry it with us.

N.H.S. We sure can't.

M.E. Job said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, naked into this world and naked I'm going to return back to dust and nothing in this world to do your soul for. Not a thing. (Unintelligible) I says there ain't a thing in this world