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2 1960s [[top margin]] 35 grnbk [[?]] [[/top margin]]

Poor sound quality
MINNIE EVANS        Tape u1

M.E. He has my name that I did the pictures but of the contract in between the letters is Louis Mack and when I wrote to him and ask him they haven't sent me any. I put return on them.

NHS Louis Mack is dead?

M.E. Louis Mack is dead.

NHS A white man? or

M.E. Colored? That's right. And he was very business like. You see he had a college education and everything to be a doctor but he started [[crossed-out]]NHS[[/crossed-out]] to never signing through the orders about his earnings and he didn't make anything of himself. So about four or five years in Philadelphia he died. But anyhow this man has my paintings and that's what I want you to get to try and get in contact with him about it. And then I forgot to tell you about the lady and her two daughters who was so interested in me when I was painting this picture- a Mrs. Beryl Smith and her two girls, Nancy and Jane. Of course both of the girls are married now. Nancy she's a Mrs. Rose and Jean is a Mrs. Somthing I forgot now but anyway they were very interested and you see during the time of the war they had a lots of marines you know. Boarding with them and staying in their homes and the beaches being full and the other boys getting in touch with them. Every Sunday where I was living down in the park and this great big beautiful manison. Oh the place is all torn down not Airlie [[crossed-out]]Airlane[[/crossed-out]] but the same people that owned Airlie [[crossed-out]]Airlane[[/crossed-out]] ownes this this [[crossed-out]] Pinewood [[/crossed-out]] [[crossed-out]] Pembroak [[/crossed-out]] Pembroke Park where we were at.

NHS Was it on the same land?

M.E. What did you say?

NHS Was it on the same land.

M.E. The land on this was divided. [[crossed-out]] All below[/crossed-out]] It all belongs to them. They would bring scores and scores of young men from all over the country almost every Sunday looking at my pictures. You see Miss Smith was very interested she and her daughters. And I wouldn't wish to have anything in my life said whatever without mentioning their names. You understand because

NHS You have mentioned their names. Are they living now?

M.E. Yes they are living. Mrs. Beryl Smith is an English teacher at New Hanover High School. She's white and her daughter is a teacher there but the oldest daughter was Nancy. She's not doing anything you know. She's a housewife as you call it. Oh yes they're living.

NHS Where do they live?

M.E. Oh! they live on Sumnter (LANDING) [[crossed-out]]raft[[/crossed-out]] But of course it wouldn't be you couldn't see them until after school in the afternoon. Of course you would be gone when school get out this afternoon. She would love very much to talk with you but still if you don't I'm telling you about them. Mrs. Beryl Smith and her two daughters because they were so interested and taken so much pains and so much with me about them. So in writing about

Transcription Notes:
There is a large pencil 'X' mark through most of the body of the page