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MINNIE EVANS              5.

Minnie Evans Lost Art

bring this to an end for me. That's true. That's right. God worked it all out. As I first said the man that I take up the contract with well he might have wrote out that contract but the time had not arrived. So Lots of people tell me I got to name all of this. Now I can't name them. The onliest thing I can tell you to say it's Minnie Evans lost art and it's come to me this art that I have put out has come from nations that I suppose might have been destroyed before the Flood. No one know anything about it, but God has given it to me to bring back into the world and so that's why I wanted to get Mrs. Smith and this Mr. Dingle. 

NHS  Who is Mr. Smith? 

M.E. Mrs. Smith who I was telling you about the lady

NHS  The school teacher? 

M.E. Uh huh and her daughters were so interested in me. And so this lady I want you to please contact him. 

[[margin]] Last Indian [[/margin]]

NHS  I want to ask you Minnie about the lost Indian. Did you mean that he was an Indian of a lost tribe or did you mean he was an individually lost? 

M.E. I think he was. I think he was an Indian of a lost tribe. The way I think the way you know I painted him. He's half raggety under everything and then that writing he has there something he got there. Some of those Indians somewhere down there in California or down because I have been told some lady come here to me. She says Minnie there is a park, I forgot what she named that park down there on the other side, somewhere in Los Angeles. She said you will find more different tribes of Indians where there's not but she says 13 or 14 kinda old ones left from there tribe. Everybody's gone but them and different ones of its kind. And she said that they can tell you-I got a picture, I ran across it the other day and I put it out so that you could see it because the man asked me if some of these pictures had ever been down there to California. Down to this same park where this lady [[strikethrough]] told me [[/strikethrough]] been. I said no I haven't. But he says you got it, you got it all, You never seen nothing? I said no. He said you got all of this plain, You got the tribe of that Indian and everything. I say no I'm not, but he says there's not but a few of those Indians left left and lots of those things. I wish I had gotten it a little bit earlier so I could of thought it all out so you could get it but later you will. But I wanted you to get Mrs. Smith and her two daughters, Miss Nancy and Miss Jane. They were so interested in me.

Now this from Mrs. [[strikethrough]] Polk [[/strikethrough]] Poe. You see from the Walters' Art Gallery?

NHS She called you [[strikethrough]] auntie. [[/strikethrough]] Annie

M.E. What's say?

NHS I say [[strikethrough]] Auntie. [[/strikethrough]] Annie

M.E. That's what she pronounced my name is and I wrote a letter back to her and told her that my name is Minnie instead of that. They sent this typed letter to me of these paintings I sent to them. She sent those to Life Magazine and they have one of these secretaries, what's her name sent them back. They say they were sorry they couldn't use them [[strikethrough]] work [[/strikethrough]] then. So, I didn't get [[strikethrough]] one so [[/strikethrough]] worried but I said the time hasn't come for them to use them. When you do get it out everybody is going to want some