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Tree painting U2
June 22,79


clouds. They would vanish away. You know they are funny. That's when my husband told me I was going crazy. (laughter) when I told him that. He said I know you funny

NHS: Do they always vanish? Does the cloud always vanish?

ME: Oh, yes they will vanish. I see these small clouds. They would come and I stand right still don't move and I would look and in just about a minute they gone.

U.Craig: Do you reckon that could do with the catarracts?

ME: George he says the same thing

U.Craig: So much Staring into the sky

NHS: Does that?

ME: and that is why the children late in the afternoon sometime see the clouds you know, beautiful clouds. One like rainbow. They call me to come look at it. They say, "Mama, come look it up there." I says oh yes, I go and look for a while and say they are very pretty.I'd say, oh, I ain't got time now.If I do, they will go. They won't stay. I don't know why (laughter). it's a good thing you weren't living back here hundred years ago.A man told me. He said they would have put you to a stake and burn you. (laughter) (Voice - Oh) He said no body would have the sense like you. They would think you were funny and they would put you to a stake and burn you up.

NHS: Who told you that?

ME: I don't know, a man. A lots of people tell me things you know talking like that. In those days you know way back over a hundred years ago the people were funny. They didn't take things like What's that? an airplane?
or what is that thing a going there? I'd say a horse. It looks I can't see it looks like a race horse.

U.Craig: It looks like a street. Some kind of street.

ME: The children been down there playing.

NHS: Tell us about it. Tell us about making that tree

U.Craig: How did you make it?

ME: I get paint buckets. Any kind of paint buckets and scrape the paint out of them and come in and stir the paint up some time with the turpentine until I gdt it soft enough and pat it on the tree limbs and the different things and then I would have to put it aside and let it stay until it would get dry and hard and so it would take a long time for it to get dry. Sometime I would stick a pin down through it to see if it was hard and sometime I could stick the pin in there and the pin would bend and I would say oh it's hard enough. Then I would try over it again. So I just kept on doing that until I got a three.