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[[strikethrough]] 196 U11 [[\strikethrough]]
[Handwritten] U2 22 June 1972 [\Handwritten]

and when thing happen they come to mama (laughter). I take them and pet them Just enough, they way these children say to me sometime "Mama God bless you." My little babies (Voice: really) I say thank you darling and I just put my arms around them and we would hug each other and it goes all right for a time and they love mama

[handwritten line drawn across page]

NHS: Say that again

ME: What I say? They have lifted me up and they have made me feel so happy.

NHS: Good

ME: and oh! so wonderful (NHS: good) I just sit here and wondering and looking in the sky and things. One day I'll be gone that way.

[[strikethrough]] Kallenborn [[/strikethrough]]
[Handwritten] NHS: [\Handwritten] Well we all make a 

ME: Did I tell you about the little boy and Jack'e little boy

[[strikethrough]] Kallenborn [[/strikethrough]]
[Handwritten] NHS: [\Handwritten] You told us

ME: and strength in [[strikethrough]] whatever we do [[/strikethrough]] [Handwritten] My Redeemer [\Handwritten] (laughter)

NHS: That's right

ME: I'm going to say Lift up your heads oh ye gates and I will lift them up the everlasting door and the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord, long and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle. He is the King of glory. [[strikethrough]] I'm going to [[/strikethrough]] [Handwritten] He [\Handwritten] say Lift up your heads oh ye gates and even lift them up the everlasting doors and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is He? Who is the King of glory? Jesus of Nazareth. Son of the living God is the King of glory (laughter). Oh, my. It is wonderful. It is wonderful to talk [[strikethrough]] but [[\strikethrough]] about Jesus [[strikethrough]] will [[\strikethrough]] it lifts you up. That's right. Will lift you up. My, my. The King of glory. My heavenly father. He watches over us. This morning when I wanted to [[strikethrough]] go [[\strikethrough]] come to work a cousin of mine he comes after me but he was late this morning and didn't get there. So I wanted to go so I don't know what time but it's going to come. I says mama whom shall I call to get me down to the gate? The insurance man came, Mr. Yates, I said the Lord sent somebody right. So Mr. Yates he helped me out the door, put me in his car and took me right on down to the gate. He's all our insurance man. He was looking for Jackie. So we told him where they had moved. So I said well you know you need something you ask God to help you and trust in Him. He's going to answer your wants too. Lord have mercy. So I feel very nice today (laughter). If I knowed George wasn't so busy up there I would talk to him but I don't know where Mr. Davis at. Make him feel good. Well, thank God.

You know I'm going to have to paint on that, paint that place, [[strikethrough]] devilish [[\strikethrough]] damaged place on that picture cause I know [[strikethrough]] when Walter carried [[\strikethrough]] you gonna want to carry it with you surprised with it. [[strikethrough]] Really [[\strikethrough]] It's pretty (laughter) and [[strikethrough]] you can [[\strikethrough]] I want you to see it. The one with the big castle and a [[strikethrough]] (where am I?) [[\strikethrough]] big temple on the side of it. This is a picture I had forgot about it but those others I don't know what become of those. I got two of them there on the [[strikethrough]] rim of the chair [[\strikethrough]] window shade but the others. You don't have them?

NHS: I sent that back to you a long time ago.