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July 21, 1973 
Minnie Evans - Son George

do it for you all. I say I have to pray, keeping that staright and narrow path and ask God to please,please Sir keep [[cross out "ing"]] his loving arms [[cross out "abreast and catching"]] protection around us, [[?]] from all sin, [[insert [?]]] hurt, harm and danger. We got to have faith, we got to have prayer. There is nothing in the world [[insert [nothing in the world]]] ahead of prayer. Prayer is the key of heaven and faith unlocks the door (laughter). [[cross out "we can't have faith]] Unintellgible I tell him [[cross out [?] ]] no. I pray. I get up every morning at 4 and 4:30 and 5 o'clock every morning I wake up and talk to the Lord. Yes I have talked to him [[cross out [?] ]] (chuckling) so I don't worry about these pictures. Now I have so many people come in and tell me about ooh! you ought to be richer. I say, I ain't worried about no rich. I ain't worried about nothing. Ain't but one thing I'm worrying about, not a thing, but that meeting my heavenly father when I'm done with this [[cross out "sinfine"]] sin fine world. Cause I can't carry a thing with me. We can't carry it with us.

NHS. We [[cross out "certainly"]] sure can't.

M.E. Job said, Naked [[?]] cane I out of my mother's womb. Naked into the world and naked I'm going to return back to dust and nothing in this world to do your soul [[cross out "ful" ]] for. Not a thing. [[cross out "all the time time my attention says"]] Unintellgible un, un. I says there ain't a thing in this world to lose my soul for. The thing I just set up there and talk. I talk so much (laughter) about prayer I think sometime they get tired of hearing this but I can't help it. I [[cross out "just"]] have to pray. That's all, I pray and [[cross out "yes" ]] trust in God. As that [[insert "old"]] song would say, Trust and obey. There's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. (laughter). Yes, so me and my George [[cross out "would"]] we hold hands togehter.

NHS: What does that mean?

M.E. It means [[cross out "that"]] when anything come up. We want to anything come up [[insert "that's in our lives"]] we want to, anything [[?]]] come up that's in our hearts. We do have [[?]] little obstactles you know. Different little worries and things like that. So me and him would get together and talk it over. Yes, he got to go one way and I the other [[cross out "but you" see [[insert "but"]] that's meetin prayer that's holding together because God he stays with us. There's no other way but to stay happy with Jesus but to pray. So we stand together (laughter).

NHS: WHen you pray with George, are you in the same place or in different places?

M.E. Ooh, in different places. He be at his work, somewhere, and I be to mine but that's alright. We're praying together.

NHS: Because you set a time.

M.E. That's right (laughter)

NHS. That's beautiful.

M.E. That's right. Besides he be so sick and things, he's worrying and he says get together. I wake up in the night [[insert [?]]] and pray. When I get up in the mornings, I call him up.

NHS. You call George?

M.E. Yes, I call him up. I says George how you feeling this morning? Mama, I'm much better. Feeling fine. I say that's the Lord's way.

Transcription Notes:
George is Minnie Evans's son.