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July 21, 1973
Minnie Evans - Son George

I said I know you had to be better cause I certainly pray for him. I know we going to leave this world sometime.

NHS. That's right

M.E. We didn't come here to stay. We got to go.

NHS. That's right.

M.E. So why should I tarry and throw myself away? There's nothing here to lose your soul for. But the devil, he's up and down. So in my Bible I read in Job. You ever read him?

NHS. Yes, I have.

M.E. (laughter) God. The somber God all met and the devil met there with him and God asked him Satan where art thou? Where you going? He said I'm going up and down the world to and fro seeking whom I can devour. If he can get you off of your track and get you to forget about Jesus and His Salvation, he'll do it. But he ain't gonna get. He's a dirty something (laughter) The devil is dirty. If he can get you he will, but I'm not going to let him get me. I don't let nothing. We use to sing a song. One of the oldest members of my church name was Rosa Bradley before she fell sick that week that night in the choir she sang a song "Nothing Between my Soul and the Saviour". Sometime we use to get together, some of the members we thinking, we talking you know and things. I say I never forget that. She sang that song "Nothing Between my Soul and the Saviour". So there's nothing between Him. I'm not going to let anything turn cause. You know the world is getting terrible. They getting dreadful. We're looking forward for Jesus and He's soon coming. That's right. Looking forward for Him. So tell Him I'm looking forward to a mark of a higher calling that's in Jesus Christ, and I'm not going to let nothing get between me. (laughter) So I don't want it. I pray for all of my children and all of my friends. I pray for my mother. So I get up out of there. I don't have any... Try get my children, get my mother and we sit down there and I say Mama talk. She has that bad hemmoroids.

NHS. I'm sorry.

M.E. Oh! she's been having that for the longest. She worries with that hemmoroid. She has to get medicine and things to keep her bowels and things regular. She be worried so she tell me about it. I say Mama you've had it so long you know what to do. I don't. She don't want to go to the doctor though she get up there and get [around?] there and do more work then I can do (laughter).

NHS. That's wonderful. Does she go to church. Does Mama go to church?

M.E. No, she can't.

NHS. You do don't you.

M.E. Oh, yes, I go. Mama can't go to church. She have to almost wear diapers. That hemmorroids get her bowels. She had to keep medicine in her to keep her bowels open. So she don't worry about it now. This coming tomorrow, the pastor and the members will come